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y,., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICe 34- ~ :-:>-",:;1. Rd. 10., Port puolFPD ;, ~'-- ..' '. ." - - - - 52 115235 Frank Devlin et we 3 42 S 3 4 L ~I -t- #HJ7fJ7 -- 61 187754 Gary E. Dillon et we 5'/ 1 g ~ .:L .!L ..b.. ff- $5000 ~ ~"-?b.s:; #;E~f~~~v - -- t,s- ~ /</6 fI"/ ~"'"' ;;</5<'? - I---- "'~. f};t 34.3rl/;b , . f I -f1tf:; ~ ~ t-r- - .:d ' >.-'" r: - - - #.37;<.s4~ !!in.. ~7jJ5$q U)' , ~Efkv ~7- 7d)DO , - ~>7.;z.7f1 1-- - --- -- I- - - - ~ -- I- -- I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .L ' ,- ..' " " . . .' ,,_.- ,'. ....., - ,- --,.-, '--:. --,-~~-,',- - - -- - - , - .. ..... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y,., Oyster Timber Unimproved Improvtd TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvem.ntl 8. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 6'3 50Itj SN tJO ,360 .3<;10 M 4,1</ 4ft! 30 4~o '7"/ 0 !2fa. :J,/{/ (.00 t/./tJ .30 .50 'If 0 560 57 J.lt! ;,00 <!I!/ .!.J 0 50 t/-to !;; '80 4,1 C<. 07/ :t.N tj,/tJ:. 30 .:< / :;- b:J..<:;' 6'7G M ""'- '-"i"~ . ..-1/,1 27cJ '7? tJ //1 9/1 6t ?c> .;2. 7CJ 7?'O ;/10 I/j 3, 1J..3 3.bi3 -6' J, J.j 5 7!?o /"/.:<5 7r. ~j~ kJ-fCJ 1.%0 ...J,p .5"() 7.:L lOp%:; dS"!cJ 9/;;).0 SltJO 7ft, l!&/lO ;} (p (; (l 73'1tJ 71 ,':5,(')3 il7:r Ht :YO All (u'o tff5, 'f'l6 ~ , '7_ , ,,(lie .tic r{. 0 J 15 rf/ () t-{t;97/J rA-.- .'",. 0 5138'0 @ "> /&, 36$'" 8Ifo~(.J 77%C S/ '.!IINUo-/.1F q.;?b ,~ 1'~- 810&'0 9"6oQO ~_7q_8z '11* 7>' 14430 LOT BLK. l~~8IJJ1'il~F.:f , .- .. IEC. TWN. ROE. - .- "",- ,.. .. -",,,.' .. - _..,.A. ., ~ -,~,- ".'. . -.~ .<';'->"":~"".-.;.,~:~' Formerly: Tr. 6 of NE NE ex. Trs. 6A-B S 390' of W 574' of E 970' of NE NE ex. R/W for County Road. except E 125' and W 125' /...).: ,:',!.c..' . -"/ / "'/2 .>~_;;,. r) - TC) d,E 1.0~:lPp/5cb' a//~V >;... .;./ FOA:; /;?.J;:---' //p',' 5. ~AND: That ptn of the NE 1/4 28-20-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the NE corner of . sd Section; th S 00" 13' 15" W 400' alg the Eline of sd Section; th N 86" 52' 22" W 397.75' to the NW corner of certain tr conveyed to Raymond G. Rohwein et ux by deed dated 7-20-76 and recorded under AF# 317349; th S 00" 13' 15" W 525.73'; th N 86" 5/' 59" W 168.23' to TPOB; th N 86" 51' 59" W 281.36'.; th N 00" 13' 15" E 150'; th S 86" 51' 59" E 281.36'; th S 00. 13' 15" W 150' +- to TPOB. -"",,,'O~""""i !.~(!.~pr Q:lJ) TO Li/.-'I--<,-,:5 4110/977 ~ ~.u~~ Sh3 - -- - -, ~~' -,"';;;"';"'_. -;., .- /78'-::-'1? .. '~;;/:::r;7 fiE"r> I' .p," (/.-r ::J::: _____b, _ ... r '--' ..... , , .-... -.",--"J.,.'-Tn -f/ I T I I T T T I I I I . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved I m proved Improvements B. of E. (BUildIngs) VALUE if Iit."J. ~ ~, ' 3 Iff 3 'If 1'/'/30 3IbS-(') 'i{,o,?eJ 35 ~ A.<I~ ~v.~ ,n 3D J''?3CJ .. ~ Is.--c:.. Se. (l;. ~ ::;~ 'VIle 00.."::-1 , ".--=