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YeM-' -FlI..NO -r----..-'o----NAME of OWNER -----r--CONTRACT TO &,~ - DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. ~i!2!!... PUO l-fPO I I 'I ' I 1/71'. I I I , 1146432 _2JOA.Q2. f---E.dw.ar:d AIAxander At IJX 3- 2 s ..3-i-L!_Li-H . 1 ~rfi) 1 , , un, #j~CL I7Yr - Reid L. Mltche I E t ulx ( dn~) .L_~I #60677 7/80 "'1'1'" .. ~r~.:L",L I ~9~~60 3 8t.20 ,__.I3obert D. All r d , t ulx ( --- -.--.-- 1---- ,-- --.---- 3t'JlJ'Q x>r ...L tf.J. s. .3! "i-I L- If . I _n___' _0._- ._- . --- -, ---- _.__..._~._-- --------- -- -----. --- - . - . I- I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster I Timber I Unimpro....d Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Impr~ved Improveme/lt, , B. of E. VALUE - (Bllild;ng,j &. ---- --- /..(18 .?d /.'77 /-1.35 /#..:sS 2L /71 I. 77 )''':;-0'''-' %S00 k ,. - ;. 77 /77 }lSoo ,7;)-00 ---- -, - - - ---- -- - 1 ...- _._-- --- -- -- 1___- -- -- ---- ----- --- - I ---- ----- --- ---- r- - --- -- -- - -- I -,---- ! I , : ~, BLK. l~ .An...... fi--..c'i'ff'!1 l' J 1/1U' TWN, 'GE. :.,. . .~Q Tri\ct II SW SW " ...-~ 3 of . . .' . .., ,- .. . '--.., (Tract 4 of Short Plat #568) .' That ptn of the SW SW 27-20-3W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the SW corner of SW 1/4; th S 890 42' 20" E alg It's S line 651.01' to the W I ine of E 660' as measured alg the Eli ne of SW SW; th N 00 31' 4 I" W a I g sd W I I ne 740' to TPOB; th S 890 42' 20" E 330'; th N 00 31' 41" W 234.28'; th N 890 54' 19" W 329.99' to sd W line; th S 00 31' 41" E 233.13' to TPOB. - ,..- , --=,- ,...........- #I/M'l46: wO -1i77VI.:'~ 72> 4t.k?eLJ (;tIE.:'O be'eL> 1=':2.<''/-1 1lt.e'''-AN1U!'''') \ , Ye.r File No. dM&WNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS !" t;'"' SALE PRICEl i~~1d- Rd, Beh, Port PUD FPD .7:7007'50 ) /PAl ,t/c,,4c. - - - .JI:. - - <;2 10072;: C. B. Coselman 3- ~ s l L S P ::r. /t,17?o "i.. '7 ~. 7" _.-r ;, ,j - - - - - - ""- In?, I / / ;r.Ei'1 f'f'j',,? ?':. .5'/so , J(r&t:Y. ~ ) j/ ...L/'/ 0- ( - - f-- - - - (/1 b049'*'l 7- / , , - - - - - - 1S CLASS. FO~T / / 303.:21), Help 1'- . '. - - - - - - kIl<.3f~.t35 1%<1 !t'717? .J)R/Y/ljf /: $H"v;rZP:'/? - - - - - - 1%<1 Jltf,j' 251 ~/~/e-~K;/dR.A-..,p_~/~, ,;CVa. /?j;.5'.5/ 7 - - - - r 'rrJ10\ ~O - - - - - 3114-'( h .. - - - - - .- - I--- - - - I. " 'n__.____ --~ -------~-------------~----------------~---------~~~--~tIt---- .~' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmprovoc! Improved Improvements B.of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE 5'3 I-/--C) ,r, n L/-/l, u ';<OeJ .:200 - 5') -Y/J oCl 'l'{J ad 3 (}() .906 5<6 10. (J 0 "/0,00 ~5'O =:< 5'0 ,1.1- ./ ~..,',/ 3//' :=/ / ,- ;,) ~ '-/', '----, __ c / '. ,//},--. .. , / ;l.e.() /5"/<.) ,.. . ,./J' , ..' . " ~ -&-- ..3btJO 3500 , ;II': ;'. 7iJM ..L , 7'7 t'~ :::: 1MI'? &760 7~1? 7;2 3/.d J 3/)'1 (, ~"67f:?!. ? 73D 51t.;- {.:::: 'is' /:1 31.5' L/ Z. 'I. 5- rj J ~~ - & 9/c;!" &9/5' 7t/ i /00/0 /.3'/30 /3J'3o 74' CLAS~; I,!..;i'--i' ~ 3754 137.-71( RC .;z 1 t.; ,;2 7~5 7/ , 3.:'<;-:., : 3" '/5- 71 i ! / 17 ;<0 / .3 7,;l.o I ! J 78 I 387 ~~j -=:u?7c:-- SLk. , ~ ~ , , LOT Ol' \ , UIIIJ '.e. TWN, RGE. I .. - . ' . .,:, , -~.- .~ '-- -00.'-'-"- .. -, ....-": .l:~_ , :~~ ->r__ ..,..'~~. -- ,...".. ..- '- -- .. I I I I I I I I I I . .. ... . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Year Oyder I Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (BlJildinQ1) VALUE 7'/ CLA.:,:;. FOREST 3a .F!/ . .-;5:/,_-!:;/ 3500 3s(..t) ~J.l.CW.Ri "-~. . ' . :0 -- - -- -. , j - . ~, -',,// , .. i-- T/ ,. '" / I '/ .- I.', I ~ ----- - ... -- ~-- - 1- -'-- ---- - .. ----I- - .- .. I "-. , ,~ ..