HomeMy WebLinkAbout320271290180 / - - Year I File No NAME of OWNERl' {<t' j ~ r, ' - CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /r; SALE PRICE ......,', VI ......J Rd, ~I~ P~T~D I I ! I 5/74 288287-! Philip B. Chernis et ux 3 42 S L' H lion' 317757 g1 'f~ s 3 "I I- .it. #6?40 I 7,fJ.9.7l .'fL. .IRffn::.y rnnk I j n p+ 11)( ISh,,1 hy I ) I .;. 6/81 3n67l. --.2tua rt L. Smvthe et ux (Mi ri ar M. ) t:o(,'-b ~~~566 ""11I"" - - ----- ,..' -. ------ -- I--. ----- . -- -. . I i ..., NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oystor I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improyed Imp,oyemenh B. 01 E. (Buildin~Il VALUE 7:- . .,300 .- - d' . ,,'/. C':} >"......' - ''.-' , . .. 17'/ II~ ' " Ld /l ?Co .,'u 1::- I. co ..;z.~,"',"::O .2 c/"?.5c 76 ~ ~, ,... (~ -. 3" .,.' I "1 (, ., ~ ( ~q4:::0 c'" . /., T -, r D( , ~77(\ ') ::;0 p'-l~ ", 111 .3,00 ;2.,C>G - 5356 '2771,/'1 ~~l'1q,., ,J.on ::"'1) ~ " 177dll ~4. " / ) ." .' >,-u 9J '3,,,; U .'"..{,O() Sou /77(1 (, "/1.1 :, 7/ b DO ~'t : 'r '2.,{)() j,5'~- /1 t:;':> r I ?/.. (,;J ?:z C) . I .J ,~ ...) .. ..~ : C/f'!O) t;,;J.,q<~{) 2!1- IS!: . ,Ot'J 2,~C: IIQ:2.~) , LOT BlK. d ~.1/'\..).71 } Q()/!XJOt SEC. TWN. RGE. .- ,.3 t~ G.f " , ,. .h'act ,- ~..-----....: '. ....._-~'---~.'. - ~,--~ ..~' Beginnr~ ~ +~o,N ~ corner of section 27; thence E along the N section line, 65' to I.P,~" thence E along the N secbon, ULl!' 2fe'.}~ence S, 'parallel with the N-S centerline of section, 396'~thence W parallel with the N line 220'; thence N 396' to I.P. FORL\1ERLY TRACI' 13 of NEl:i NEW DESCRIPTION: AI I that ptn of the W 350.00' of even width of the NE 1/4 of 27-20-3W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the NW corner of sd S 00 43' 06" E 634.40'; th N 87" W 350' of sd NE 1/4' th N 00 43' Arcadia Rd (#1892); th N 870 25' Tract 1 of SP #653 All that ptn of the W 350.00' of even width of the NEl:i of Sec. 27 20 3 W.W.M. Mason County DAP: NE 1/4; th S 00 43' 06" 25' 52" E 350.18' +- to 06" Iv 634.40' +- to the 52" W alg sd Sly margin E 28.02' to TPOB; th the Eline ot the Sly margin of Old 350.18' +- to TPOB. Beg at the NW comer of NEl:;, 28.02 ft to TPOB; S 0043'06" W alg W line 317.20 ft; S 87"25'52" E 350.l8 ft to the Eline of the W 350.00 ft of said NWl4; N 0043'06" E 317.20 ft. to the Sly margin of Old Arcadia Rd.; N 87025'52" W alg Sly margin 350.l8 ft to TPOB. .. ' - -- - - '. __1' {....( ~ co<'K_ ',/ - ~