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(A~ , , ~ ---;:;- File No. -T--.-- NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 S,*,LE PRICE Rd, ~IP"'t PUD I fPD 1 I --- , - 1/7~ f'/!. . ,. #60451 353296 l-1!i 11 iam T. Bracv et ux' J 3 2 S 3 4 L H ---.- UJ(") t7 --- -- :} -Xl. ...L i-I-~ 5 :? H L ({ -- - -. - ---. _.u__ -- ._-~_. . - .. - ,. -""'..".,.-~. . . ..t-o..." NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS - TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Order Timb.r Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 7f . .r / - ,...-' ',; , '':'" - "'.-:;~.-:- . . V -~ , --- - l-n 7,;2.1 ? _.2 7 .3J"7o _.:<5770 ;2'110'1-(; 1'1 i;L7CJ -V I:J- 7CJ '10 ~R7t b r"7 7(: .;<"jb SIC; ~ I. I Ie;; 7(7 :) /.;2 7,-; r1 - ;:( .:..; ;)'::.. 7 /Mco ::!SOc)('") 'It., ""'" %, .5035 -0 $c3:i - 17) -- II ()()) 13 S'DOO 4{ IV,) I) ~;:). , ( -,;/2' ---e- s635'" . /~ &'3 - /1000 1"";1'100 y~ Co () 83 " .:;'.' ,..';J ,:'1 .. 50'3:;'- -er- 5-t>2U, - - - ('I ~-.- ':;,,,l. 7 .,(,~ 7 1/ OO() 35"OO{) 74 ':h~/) I - - . - - . , - . .- ,-....,.,- - -- ? s.e (! ( I>- //()00 :;>~XX) 'It:CCO .:;; =,-e.e.. ..J c g!> -:Ji;. ~ ~(.)~&' b 7LUY /a,'/ /.) -; : S'd3S ~ S""~ -' , LOT BLK. Jt.,,,,, I ^ JJ':' 7~1 ( II~ SEC. TWN. RGE. 3. .- r.J: /-~'"':"J5 - l!:L~ . . -..,., .~ -_*._..m~ ,~LnE:; /t:?/ "",--- , - ...."-..,.-' -.p'- ,- (Tr 2 of SF 396) The st of the st of the NW SW NW See 26-20-3W. W.M. . . FORMERLY KNOWN AS: TRACT 13 OF wt NW . .'-~G~.-'-':L,(; _ . ...""M' ..