HomeMy WebLinkAbout320234700080 You FlI. No. NAME of OWNEJIt CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICE Rd. "".. Port PUO FPO - - - - 52 96368 Hanson G. Bert .l 1iL s , I... 1...... - 53 146165 6 Claude Danielson et ux g( ..L 12.. s 03... 4- ....L.. .J{ ;:(C/C:? ~ " r:~ J , .i~ "~r . I ~, "... '.J "- 100 () - - - - - - N1'J x'1..i /.,1 TI;"'~7 l If,'1 y. !:'b9J, -j- u4 /, lJ.3t3:1 J/5CDO !/ (/ /II' {/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --~.~ .'.~ .- . ~ .. '.- . . .... ---- . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS You Gym, Tlmbtr Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy.ur Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvlmlnb B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE B /'1:0 j.t,O ;<.;- 0 .;(OU L/5'c M /. (, c' /'(,0 ;(;;; (" 33c ~,fc - 57 /'OQ /.~ ( J. (,. 0 c:?u ;:< .'Jc.: 3.3 9(,' oS ~e.6 fL{l /.cD /. &C .;J. t- 0 -E3-- ej't, 0 . '139 n 4.360 k /.~ /.bD .:<. 6 0 960 7'~ 5'00 0 ~ ~ ,-;g /~tJl) 56SO ~ .,c..... ti- .!J!: .:J!{' 5b9J 7.67..,- ~ ~ .5/1(5:J /-tP/ilc1lJ J.~.::;n :M 70tJd /tJJtJO /'/ltJO 19 i)t1tHP' /t!.P~~ Y7;$~ 1'141 v~ /;P~ ~ A .:;/C$() 35tt;'~ 7ICJ ~~:S cr> 3 '" ",) L:):S :J..7(' J..1. cZ;;..6clj =/7 {1' " I.)"t/ !'>C'l (go :2:2 ..jO G "110'1.5,.. '::94~tJ le I, ~[} I. t- e Z, (;e> ;;/l.-/qOO 3 6 CI j C 1i.1~5() LOT BLK. .J3J~.;:l.3 '17 COO~ I~. TWN. ROE. Jto~, . n T E' -. ~'. . . J " . .~ . . Formerly: Tracts l8A & l8E of Lot 6 Tr. l8A: Beg at a point on S line of sec 23; which is 1099.72' E of W line of Simmons D.L.C.; th N 1330' to I~P. of desc, being a point on S side of lane used by first party; th W '; th N to meander line; th SEly alon~ meander line making due E 14 ';th S to I.P. . Tr. l8E: Com at point on S line of sec 23, which is 1099.72' E of W line of Simmons D.L.C. #39 and run th N 1330' to an iron post which marks SE corner of tract heretofore conveyed by Bell to Hanson G. Berg which is I.P. of this desc; th W along S line of Berg tract, 140' to SW corner; th S 311'; th E 140'; th N 311', more or less, to I.P. it 317..01.\ ov.;\ oi,'f'..q,t; ,I Comm. af a pt. on the S I ine of Sec. 23, 1097. 16',(Being the same pt. priviously described as i099.72') E of the W I ine of said M.T. Simmons D.L.C. No. 39; thence N 00033' 1 I" W 913.21' to the pob; thence N 87047'25" W 153.39'; thence N 01017'44" E 169.69'; thence N 81000' 41" E 7.22', more or less, to the WI Y line of a certa i n tr. conveyed to Claude Danielson by deed #146165; thence Sly, along said W I ine to the SW corner of said Danielson tr.; thence Ely, along S 41 ine of said Tr. to the SE corner thereof;. thence Sly to the pob. O'../UJo.LU I/Z7 f?'<C-'-l3'1) OcJ"O~,,,\S ~ -- 0- Comm. at the SW corner of said M.T. Simmons D.C No. 39,; thence N 89016'26" E, along the S I ine of said OLe, 1097.16'; thence N 00033'11" W 1330', more or less, to the SE corner of a tr. of land conveyed to Hanson G. Berg by deed #96368; thence N 87042' 55" W 146.15' to the pob; thence N 00033' 1 I" W to the meander I ine; thence Wly, along meander line 20'; thence S 00033' I I" E to the Sly 1 ine of an esmt. described by deed #158981; thence N 81000"41" E, along Sly I ine of said esmt. to a pt. S 00033' I I" E from the SW corner of said Berg Tr.; thence N 00033' II" W 137.64', more or less, to said .._:,.#c::.rr1f3~ o~~a~d Berg Tr.; thence N 87042'55" W 5.27', :or,,- O~_I':.::, _!.:' ~he !O~_.__ I --L Year I Oyster ~, /.-/ J..L~~.-=-_~, J/ g,'i I . NUMBER OF ACRES limber 1 Unimproved Improved ~ '"J -1----'----- - - TOTAL '-. .... .~ I -+-------. -,-- ---- -- -,-.----,--.-- ---,---..-f------ .---! , I I I r : Oyster '~C#/~h- Timber I I ! 1 . I I I I VALUATIONS Unimpro....d i Impr~v.d , lmproyem.nh j (Sulld[ng,) B. of E. VALUE 7<jooCJ ?flOD 1'1;:;;,:>,1 7'1tJ~0 t,K 700 1'/::< 70Q 7'1000 I /" '/(" (> CJ 13? 'on L F I --~~d~- r- ! .----1- I