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Y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICE Rd. "".. Port PUO FPO #l'i.fj 5 fj 59 176647 Harry R. Hall et ux '3 iJL s 1 1. --1 .1'5760 17 ~9""""c- r~ d~ - - ~ /t7 / :/;"".- %/ .L 1/2 S 3 .!L l.. r+ /r,tj :J.4"-A /4- I ,'JdL'/L /J) // )~Tf, #..; u. oqUO ~/7J':r7 ., - - ~.-1t1t? - I- - - - I-- , - I- - - l- I- - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e::.:- .- . , .' ... . - ,- . , -- . NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS y,.. OJ.ltr Tlmbtr Unlmprovtd Impro'ttd TOTAL Orlt.r Tlmb.r Unimproved lmprond Improvtmlnt. B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE I~ ,f.." 7/J ,Y-o 7 ",{() .3<1 () 3,{,0 , tSc .f/;;- .j-; I:), d.OO .f?, c; 7 ......e. 75 /..) 5"0 3151; f/lj.fD - ~ '7~ 1:;.50 3/35 I/t/r,o "- 3Q "75 /,;1(50 31.35"' L/. tj. '7 t'J ~ r!2 ;:% 1I1J 9.a /g/J 39:JtJ 4'://J ~ .i/.F ~,Sb /,If@> Mot! d:lt/ E.!5 /ft!Jo 1 ,.,6lr_ ,(.~ 1.="1: 7-'-l/J 10 ??tJ -..., ?R90 /~ ~ 35' ??tP ~J't1~ ?J?'fo /.9#S l,zg ~O ::1"7"" .L).R IJPJ -?,p,ftJ /34!..-gt; 1"14' lI.1d~ - /5"40 9~tJ8 N':7,.1'" I'1L'.P'jL? --',' ;'C;-9v'u d;). (,'i' 37Q,;J.. Lif.... 'l/ . ,t/I{ ~.,~~... l/-od 'I r--. .- ~Ol,o,u J/'53(lc- .JI--~"_ M 1'''-: ',.10 t,:?/ '0 /,~.~? i J / , LOT BLK, ~ 'Lh.-z,~ !J(}~armI lEe. TWN. ROE. ^' . ':l. ~~Z:~<:~ _4 Q&- 001, T,.", .- -- ,- \, ,. . " ........... Formerly: Trs. 15-A & 16-B of Govt Lot 6 W 192' of E 389.10' of following dese: Beg at point on S line of Lot 6, whie~ is 2669.70' E from SW corner of see 23; th E along S line of Lot 6, 584.10'; th N 1682.34', more or less, to N line of Lot 6; th Wly along N line of Lot 6, 595.32'; th S 1562.88', more or less, to I.P. ~c-.;~- --=-+--.;.-- =-=~ _. ---- .._-------.""- ,,- "-,, o-~ e-, -- ~--",".,