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Year file No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO -I --~--- - - - ---- SALE PRICE
Rd. Sch. I Port! PUD I FPD I I ~ ---fF8b4-1:-
68 230127 E. J. Me11 et ux H.M.Johnson 3 ~2 S 3 ! 41L H $25,500
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Year i Oy$\er I Timber , Unimp.roved I~mproved I -I Unimproved I Improved ' Improvements 8. of E.
, TOTAL Oyster Timber (Buildings) I VALUE
1,11 , .../2$0 1 ~~a i3:l..fQ.'~&__
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LOT BlK. 3dD~~3 67J-rQCJ
23 20 3 Tract 19 of Govt Lot 8 I) : ,"
Beginning at a point on the S line of Govt Lot 8 13.66 chains E of corner common to
sections 22,23,26 & 27; thence N 1670'; thence'N'~y to a point which is 637.56' E and
1750'N of corner common to said sections 22,23,26 & 27 (said point being the HE corner of
a tracts described under Fee #173444); thence S along E line of said tract 390'; t"ence
W along S line of said tract and said S line extended W, to a point 15' E of center
line of a private roadway running in a Nly and Sly direction across Govt Lot 8; thence
Sly and 15' Ely of center line of said private roadway, to an intersection with tie
S line of Govt Lot 8; thence E, along said S line to I.P.
ALSO: Beginning at a point on the S line of Govt Lt 8, 901. 56' N 88057' 37"E
of the corner COIr.mOE to Sections 22,23,26 & 27-20-3W.W.M., th K 0045'16"W 1670' to
PCB of the. tr daf:
Th N 0045'16"W 145' +
th S 0045' 16"E 145' +
V) "-
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th W, parallel to the S line of Govt Lt 8, 25';
th E, p2rallel to the S line of Govt l t 8, 25' to POB.
All that portion of Government Lot 8, Section 23, Township 20 North,
RanGe 3 west, W.M. described as follows:
COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of said Section 23 which bears
South 00026'37" East from the Meande~ Corner to Sections 22 and 23, saId
TownShip al1d Range on the South side of Hammersley Inlet; thence North
e9016'26" East along the South line of said Section 23, 901.56 feet to the
TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this described tract; thence Nor:h
G0026'37" 'Nest 1670.00 feet; thence South 89016'26" 'Nest 264.00 feet;
thence South 00026'37" Eas~ 310.00 feet; thence South 89016'26" West to a
paint 15 feet Easterly of the centerline of a private roadway runnIng
Northerly and southerly across saId Government Lot 8, as now constructed
and in use; thence Southerly along a line 15 feet easterly of said centerline
of roadway and its extension Southerly to a point on the said South line of
Section 23; thence North 89016'26" East along said South llne Df Section
23 to the said TRUe: POINT OF BEGINNiNG.
ALSO a per;Jetual non-exclusive easement for a roadway, as the same is
now constructed and In use, extending from the County Road on the South
in a Northerly direction fOr the purpose of providing ingress to and e!;ress
from tne above described tract of Jane to the county Road.
SU5JECT TO a rigM of way and Tree Trimming Permit here:ofore granted
to Peoples West Coast HydrO-Electric Corporation, and its assigns by
instruments re::::orded under Auditor's File Nos. 68629 ano 68630, records of
Mason County, washingto"
Water Right dated September 25, 1925, recorded in volume 23 of
Miscellaneous Records, page 578, uncer Auditor's File NO. 46489, granUng
permit to use waters of Sliver Springs.
PARC:::L 2
All ~ha~ portion of Government Lot 8, Section 23, Township 20 North,
Range 3 West, W.M. descrioed as fellows:
COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of said SecUon 23 which bears
South 00026'37" East from the Meander Corner to Sections 22 and 23, said
Township and Range on the South side of Hammersley Inlet; thence North
89016'26" East. along the South line of said Section 23, 901.56 feet; thence
North 00026'37" 'Nest 1670.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of
this described tract; thence South 89016'26" west 25.00 feet; thence North
00026'37" West 145 feet, more or less, to the Northerly line of said
Government Lot 8; thence Easterly along said Northerly line of
Government Lot 8 to a point which is North 00026'37" west of the true
point of beginning; thence South 00026'37" East to the said TRUE POINT