HomeMy WebLinkAbout320233290221 DISTRICTS 7 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd. Sch. Po" PU FPD SALE PRICE IB/8 381961 John II. Flowers et ux (Ja ice M. ) 1 42 S 3 4 L H #70027 I /a '1'18BZz... -atZU1JJC.6 D SJlllki/7fW$1U:) '732>18- 1/'61.0 J{48B71_ r:;4e...'{ !4:>C,J<:/l/IU/ /?,;- I'.EP ,-,1= G b... h ~. h 0# 73~X:; i21. ." I$? (lh-H~ r9'0n~ 12: ..t/; / it/.:f.,,//u) I~ 938r3 tva / . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprOJements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 85 .37 .26 .63 47260 47260 LOT BLK. 1312.1012.131312.1'1ICI2.I2.1I1 SEC. TWN. RGE. 23 20 3 Tr. 22 A of Gov. Lt. 8 & Tax 2~8D-3-1 InIlII.~- C ~ . -- .... .' ,tl~'" \.I ~ r TTTT1TI fTn TRACT B DISc... A-S PER. ,.- ",t:' ~ '1'1 S-z>~ /' RACT B OF SHORT PLAT 970 . All that porticn of Government Lot 8, Section 23, TownS:"1ip 20 North, Man;e 3 West, W,M. cesc~ibed as follows: CC/VlM:::~CJNC at the Southwest corner c( said Sec~!on 23 which bears South Coo26'31" =:ast fro.-n the MeanCe:- CO;:1er to Sec~:0ns 22 and 23, saiC Townsnip ano Ranl;e on toe South side of riar:lrr.e:siey inlet; thence North 89016'26" East aleng the South line of said Section 23, 637.56 feet; thence North 00"26'37" West 1670.00 feet to a point hereaiter called "point Alii thence ;-.Jorth 89016'26" East 239.00 feet to the TRLJE PCINT OF BEGINNING of this descri~ed tract; thence South 89016'26" west 184.00 feet; thence North 00026'37" West 80.00 feet; tt'lence North 89016'26" East 45.00 feet to a point hereafter callec "Point en; thence North 00026')7" .....est to the North line of Government Lot 8; thence East.erly along the saie North line of Government Lot 8 to a Dolnt which bears North 00026'37" west of the true point of :,eginning; thence South 00026'37" East to said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSC, all that portion of a tract of secone class ticelanCs suitable for the cultivatlon of oysters, formerly owned by the State of 'Nashington, containing 39.84 acres, as conveyec oy t;-te State of Nashington ~o Herman Meyer, oy deed reco~ced in Volume 9 of Deecs, pa~e 28, unGer Aucitcr's File .'lo. 20399, which lies westerl! of the East Une of the aODve describe:: t.;o!ands and Easterly of a line extenCed North 00025'37" west from the afcrement!cned "!='oint C". EXCE?T:i'.G any ~ortion t:1ereof lying below the iine of mean Jcw tide. .