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~ Vear File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS. _./ 51...! SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. port.[~l!!.:..I_\_i - 65 212820 Michael E. Longan et we 1 4-02 ~.L_J-.b.I_:__ ~ ___'_____"_U__ _ /'1 b11'}'~/7 U." dI: .#- .-/: /. I ~2.2..,S-!.k..di_ c?CJOB'c. ---#------- 3/tJ ;ZS f?;1. 7 G. IIj JI. /'A ~ j}. U,~.:J h- I '/ .7s-Y/!l 1-----1--- GA'flL- - . .... 111~ ' -;>/'I.1t[4; / ;/ .I. .~.' C. i t '4", / d's6' j .-It'-{ll.~ . ~,' 6/(j W<!.~____,___._ ~ ~(" -'ff; R'),'h.J./1J>hAJ,...,. /..J ~ LjC,OD I --~ 7cff':;<~~~- 3fiO!.f5' - - - - -- - ------ 1.'-\':<1 _ - - - - - - --- .- I - -\- - T-:-- - ~-----_.- -- --- -------..-.-- - - - -- - - - -- u _ -- - - - - -- - ---~- '-- - - - - - -- - - -- .'.-- - -- - - - - - - - -.--..- --- - ,---.' - - .- . NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TIONS 't.. Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) VA.LUE ~ /,;J,(j I-~o ~ sz, -. tJ ~ t,t) ~t!J.__ 3 /~ ~ /'.:1 () /':;)0 ~~O I ~.5'o ~ ~~ ~t1~ __.+ 5l3o_ 5tJ~ ,__~f2.._ '11 /...D/? .@..dO --- -IL~"- , -r- , ._ .I_L'~ ,~_ .- 7)? ). .;2 (J /. 7./'1 /"(',r, 1---- .LO.D..Q_ ~ "/7'10 <129{) -1~~-~= 1----- -----.-- --- -- -.- --.- LOT .LK, Ir.::l~r J J.. J )l JL.. 'I..Q II (. ---' SEC. TWN. RGE. 2Q 3 TI'~c:t. \ " ~, - '...' r- .-,----- .,,<,-~~,,- .~ .~ ~ E 58!' of that part of Lot 2 conveyed to Clarence Grunert by deed dated April 6, 1956 and recorded in Volume l70 of Deeds, page l20. ~~8/7D e:: 64-1 ~rwner-t kd 6hL (+on {JJ:J.. qg'5/~tj ...~.-.,. .-e-; \' , ~. Y." Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 19/ SALE PRICS Rd. .... Port PUO FPO '-- - 52 l34636 Lee Roy Raines et ux 1 1..02 S 1 L 56 J.64758 Clyde Ba ird et we ..L ~ 2 2- s cb. II 3115 ?. 'IS;.j g:z.. J '.L. J ):/w",/t(.. ., r;::" #1I.:?Y',?/) I--- !!:& $/3/3$ l~ '1L~, m<--w><Uu e-l~ , - - " I--- - - - - - - - - - - - - -...... " . . . ' . ~~. ",.""" "c _~...____.... ~ -"'--' .,."... - - - - . . .-._". .'., NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y.., Oyd.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyat,r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvemenll B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE !J3 .0S- . C'!?' /c> /0 g ,05 .17 .2.;< .;:? c> ;:;0 - 57 .0 ,; . 17 . .::J :J. ,6-{l SO /0-0 00 ..:<,} . .~ J. /...5C" /56 bl ..;1.;>.. ..;;t;;2.., //0 //D ~ ~ ~ /~c1 ///15 :M ~% ,;;)p4 ,;),:P tJ . 9?C 2g 9:75"' ~ I....~J;Z /?~ /t~ I, '. /05" () 1-f3;;2J ., . ,;/ ( ~ . , ~--.. 1 / j /" . - : , // r , , / ( LOT BlK. OJ ! ~ . . . ~ : ! 0 IEC. TWN. ROE. , ., ._ <>0.. '" ',' ..,......., ..., Jl', ~ .">': . " '''~-~p . Gl.-o-r ~ .. .' . Formerly: Tract 23, Tract 4-A1&'N 15' of Tr. 3 of Govt Lot 3 Beg at a point on E line of Govt Lot 2, 33.0l chs S (var 240l9' E) of ~ corner between secs l4 & 23; th W (var 21036' El 58~'; th S (var 240l9' E) 400' to S R/W line of co. rd. which runs Ely and Wly; th E along S RjW of county road l5'; th N (var 240l9' E) 385" to a point l5' Sand 43!' W of I.P.; th E (var 2l036' E) 43~' to E line of Govt Lot 2; th E (var 210)6' E) 52!'; th N (var 240l9' E) l5'; th W (var 2l0)6' E) 52!' to I.P. _ ____ 0- ~~"".~