HomeMy WebLinkAbout320232100010 Year File No. NANEofOWNEFt CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I f 17 Rd. Soh. ~ PUD FPD__ 1 40;; S 3 L ALl.., .; 2f22....s. 3 :2:..~ft. SALE PRICE! 52 85565 CF 3024 .( ~ . I,'d I. I #- JrY/lI~ L/ ,')~q~-i. o " fe.2..-: ,F '1:io s; ;F- A'- . ...., ,1.-; C7 1 d. ),ffp, 7'<::7 J ::r::: . IJ. 7:J, , n;L,.' A" ) gT, ,d'1f/3 "'. / ,011>1-< ""'1/80 J o.......,-,;j =:I. Q;I I 'l1" Theodore Hovinlil Eva Hovind ~l. cfld, ....f?,tA:f"1. 1/ . ., J 7//. /d V 'rId ~ JL, , . J.,'/'), A.I. -- P, 1>- IRl';fc) ~z~. ...s~ s:>o -- ~ - 0. .fL ::3tJBO ~/ 1--- -- .-'" .. 7'?W ...: t? "1/.393 ff ~b'L:'/) ---- _.~ ....- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS "-1 ~ ,pC! ~ -, '- Year Oysttr Timber Unlmprovtd Improvtd TOTAL Oyller Timber Unimproved Improftd Improvemenb (Building.) B.ofE. VALUE 53 .:f1i .6-/a.. ~ 3,5"(" '/(!. .fa.L 3. ~~ j ~ ~ tzL 6L ~ ~ "9# 7& 7C b'3 '700 700 t" DO /'00 706 7.J'>-?J . /3~o It, /0 /,;;l,S'o 15,30 5"0 /.;{,fa /530 137(.> i2t'O 076,;)0 1370 177~ .'f/~O /~/..-5'" ~/~ ~~") ~-2-< ~-'7/1~ .:XlICJ bf)'fb ~t1J ::J/JftJ. c1?d4 J. ' 4/66 $0/&7 /3-1/.:;- ~ ~ /3~ 'Tk.'/J ~~ ~Su .;{ :7 () ~6-0 ~.~ .s:so /"tJo J5?J ".'. , S:S6 -, (/ I/Pd/h i//'.,. .~ 55C1 5 <;" c) 7700 /.5' 'Ie c 77c1 1<;''/00 LOT BlK. IEC. TWN. ROE. , 3;{5.;;I3~~ ~nJ ~r~9~1 of G9~t Lot 2 ,f)>~ ,/, ~ -, '-.. ~.'_.- Formerly: Tract 25 of Govt Lot 2 W 22S' of Govt Lot 2 ex. any portion as is contained within the public cemetary tract of 1.11 acres, more or less, conveyed by Edward Miller and Sarah M. Miller to Albert Frost et al. c2-/3 ~rto: That portion of Government Lot 1 lying E of the followililg described line: Connencing at the }~" cor:ler of Govt Lot 1; thence S 87020'41" E to the NE corner of said Govt Lot 1 and tte I.P. of said line; thence S 00058'25" VI to the S line of Govt Lot 1 and the terminal point of said line. _. - - -- ~-----~---- - --- --.- - ~ -. ,--<