HomeMy WebLinkAbout320232080590 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 19/ Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE' <=)2 ,~s 3 I. I Ethel V. Cowlin>>: /-,'r? ~~ 4r'.j1A-J!. ~ 4cd) W"" d/,d, >,... ) "I 1 ~02 S 2..._L _ LI~~.2 5LfL . .~ /{;;z.y2.. ,..,,<; --1------ ----~--~:_----------------------------------------------------------------------~~~--'- I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Tlmbllr Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oystllr TImber Unimproved Improved Improvementl <Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE ~ IISZ JzL /1. ~-Y ,~t '7~ 1'u '1(: 7<:, , '" ,~3d .30 ~O p/J J{,(J /6Z> /(" u /0 ;;<'3cJ .30 .!i1J ~ /M 166 I G, (J "3 -'--== - //..;)1 /v..:.) -- .~ ", ,.- ,,~ ' ~ LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. '''''.'.1 '1~ 1/] Beginning at meander corner to secs 22 & 23 on N side of Big Skookum, thence S 87030' E 5.36 chains; ~: thence N 640 E 8.72 chains to initial point; ~->-:'>" tr.ence S 270 E 3 chains; /7,) thence N $2030' E 21.44 chains; thence N 490 w 9~45 chains; thence S 730 W 13.09 chains; thence S 420 W 4.23 chains to point of beginning. ". - -., Year File No. CONTRACT TO NAME of OWNER ~ James A. Howarth et ux -d- /1,5/'77 a .~~o ./tl- ~ ,) hf/)/A ::h. .t? ('/- 2d~V J j ff. ., c,~,;; /..8 ~~ ?,!j+--..;l7;J.;J. 00 ' . f --y . /. ' -,. /' DISTRICTS 1'1/ R~ :~ po; ~ FPD L I .L~~~!.2: .LI~ ~ L1 ---- SALE PRICE! if, (10 2 rJC). ~ rr:::-- /205,3 NUMBER OF ACRES ----4i'...-~---------------------------------,----------------~----------7---~~----~-~~'~~-'-' Year UnImproved Oyster Timber Improved TOTAL Oyster 53 Lt-k '7() 11/ . 3/ S c.;. 70 ~ 9~ .51F2 -'.fa AI>>P~~ 31.0 3Sf ;;- -" ~~:j ....-- ." 7. ".-, / (J //' / I V ALUA nONS Timber Unimproved Improved I .. / I -J. , , , , LOT SEC. DID ' I . ; i i 11 BLK. TWN. RGE. ... "'n~ ,- . . , ""'.. Improvements (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE 70 '70 / ,;/tIJ 3M v ,/ I '/- ~ J j ,.~,.,~~~ ~- -~""....,,,,._-, App 11614 The tl of the 2nd c included in a tract in front of portions of lots 1& 2 see 2J-20-J W.M. B~n at a pt which has an X coordinate of 1,371,625.00 ft & a Y coordinate of 693,820.00 ft which pt is on an azimuth of 660 35' 4757 ft mil from the NE corner of said sec 23 Be which pt is on an azimuth of 3220 25' 59" 212.83 ft from U. S. C. & G. S. control station in said lot 1 thn on an azimuth of 32P 50' 29" 89.02 ft thn on an azimuth of 2820 01' 50" 623.70 ft thn on an azimuth of 3200 26' 26" 298.33 ft thn on an azimuth of 1010 26' 01" 908.0a ft thn on an azimuth of 1870 58' 11" 252.44 ft mil to the pt of bgn containing an area of 3.538 acres, mil ~ -1 "=-'~ .- - ' ~._..J~' ~,-.' -.-, "'.. -~.... Y.a, Fila No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 190 SALE PRiCe Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD - - - - <;2 P)120c Elwood H. Stout et UX 1 402 S ,L2- L SF - .,-r;, //^ /1) /. it ;t, IUf-KTAA-/ 7/). J -:I, L 'V' ffn?<7'/ / 5 !J'od. 1l1,.... '''11 . d' 11 / ... - - - - ~ ;.L /7,s'7 ~/ /tr/f.2" ~..I J... j - - - - 2~~<Jd ,t:q it,~S;{" d" , .A" //1,; () , "" """"';<>oc:f:' 'd~j/ // " - - - - ~t:7d $/ /I , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,--~ - -~--------~-------~----------~-~--------------~------~~-~~,--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImDrovemenb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE i5~ /5'.70 / /(". 7CJ fcJ 'yo go FIC> . 13 /t.70 - I&' 70 (,,;;<'0 - Po 700 ./ - 5S &V~ ~ 07--0 1-'='-"-' ~h... .J/( 5' 0 It/. )0 1.3 20 . 1.'12 t') /",) .5 5-,;20 ~1?;l.O .2'/.$6 .:2'1 s- 0 ~- ~- -_. I - , LOT BLK. OIl] ~ ; : ; ; 1 , SEC. TWN. RGE. l I - - -- ..' ~~ ''';I, 1 , ~ - -'. ~. . .. '-. - / -/ If :J~:'~lnA.fJr f: -C'-/ 'r t ~p' ~'.._~"'-:..' ".1 " . '.....r!:T * ...~.' ~___._ ,...~_~~___,~~ "iI ... -'.---"\' ".1 .. .-.-._~ Year File No. ~, --~- Y..r Oyltlr LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd. DISTRICTS Sch. Port PUD FPD _I I--- --- I--- ----I-- -f-- ------1- -----1- I . , NUMBER OF ACRES ----._-_._------=-=-_.-=-..._-_--....~ .... VALUATIONS Tlmb.r UnImproved AGE. Improved TOTAL Oy.ttr Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved illlllitlllll SALE PRICE: """'." ____"'" <1If;___ - .'.... Improvements (Building.) " a.ofE. VALUE ......"l-~~ . -. -~~'~~.,..---=--._-=---._~- ~-~-..~ .---- * All assessed in Southern Puget Sound Farms ~ '~__ ._c_,. ,__ ___...