HomeMy WebLinkAbout320231400090 Veolr file Nt' \ NAME of OWNiOR 60 "'''011 RllR"..ll W. Tritle et ux . n /~, ~~~:;:~ '7/-0 ,;1.&501/1; f. b/yO,'i 1;;[.:11. 2l1:'1A.J~,~ ((1" .ul %-:7 4~'1Z7.f 7/N 130973 "''' ,;;:.2.Jlc7) .- ~:'MB~:-OF ~CRES Yeolr I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved 'P. ,h4 /;~ ~ If.., 7(.1 (. J t'.'2, LOT SEC. BlK. TWH. RGE. 23 20 3 ,3.:1 ,'3:;2. TOTAL II , .f6. ,9r CONTRACT TO Morrison R.A. Morrison ~lvde A. Voss /, /1 II ,(/ /l./L Io' I, I Unt '\ I DISTRICTS ~Sch.IPort PUDIFPD I S "i L H .s~S-LI/ 1 1402 ...L iJ?:. t ' /9/ , SALE PRICE 3??-O~ ~ l~t' (J C.ClSTZt Tract 9 ef G.v't Let 4 & Tax 260-J "_~-i'.5.9", '*24"111 "," r ~2lZ~05 ' " . SQ,7'iO ~z... /) "f84({;,co fRJ Gel: r.J#~<.) W,LJ V ALUA liONS . Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements I B of E. (BulldinQS) VALUE .."".r;, ~5b c,t Y'/~ ~ns- 9'}f2J . 7'?'~ Cl?SiJ 9'1~6 ,. , / I. I? 7..;- I G- P 1..:;- ,.::<IA;,sr 0'1(,," :;-z; Oyster ~& ?$~-' ~____... _.__. .__L-' r A portien of Lot 4 in Sec. 23-20-3 & more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the NE cerner of said GOy't Lot 4; thence N. 87020'41" W. along the N. line of said Gey't Lot 4 fer a distance of 878.32'; thence S. 00011"49" W. for a distance of 420.63' to the pGint of begimrlng; 8hence continuing S. 00011 '49" W. for a distance of 1~9.27', mere or less, te the Gov't Meander line; thence sj 84025'51" W. along said Meander Line fer a distance ef 75.31'; thence N. 00011'49" E. for a distance of 190.62'; thence N. ~5027'06" E. for a distance of 75.19" to the point of begimrlng. . __.__n _ r/ ~ ,," - T, +- i./~?J ar--;/ J,' . -,;