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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /91 SALE PRICE . Rd, Sch. Port PUD FPD - - - - 65 215046 Edwin Ellsworth Fulk et u Ie 1 ~02 S ~ L ),j :l3,fS!D IOtJrJ / -'#.J ~ ~ 2. L ;! :;;:L /fI/d 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - -- - - ----- - - - - ------ - - -- - - - - -- - - ~---- ~ -- -- - - - -\ ~ - r.- ,- .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .v.a' , U,imp"..d I ;;:~ Improvements B. of E. Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber {Buildingl) VALUE ~ ~ ...;16 ,16 /,f?&, ~~- lu .- /~~tJ -?.;;?L?>I14d/~__ 6~ ?i..... .. ] ../~../,~ ~,I /b,{,tCi. ~ ,M# L1'~ yf4j .=s>..;>/.< ,I~~ 1't ~- ~() n___I_~<o _ 5"iO'M it ~ i$ts- ~ ~~ t3;fo$" ~= 11- I~- :iR?3cJ 7t6/CI 9~"6 'L ",::,.;.;,',"0 76/(; 7_""7eJ "'0, -=------~-- 1K ('c /1 /c ..R</ .:; I 72 L; /'i4+.:j 1.&..2/ 7.~ Yo ..;o,'j , . ; ,. ~- " -I ' ---' ,-:' ~ () 5'3 f: '..' ' I--~- -, '.' [,.C~l /(1,.'" ._~ .5(/ ,-- ----- , LOT ,U<, ~,~l 'fQ/J:O :::{d .. SEC. TWN. RGE. e '- .. !t.3 ,Qi Govt T.' ..:TOo, ~, ' " ',':' , .. ~~, ' -. . "" "..- . --...."..~~~~_.-.r-_~__ <'_.. -+---"".....-,.... That part of Govt Lot ~ lying Ely of the center line of the most Ely unnamed stream traversing said Govt Lot ~. , ~ lJ! o r \ "J A ,7C. " -, -, ~ '" -~/ ;--.. '- , ,< !1'-: 1\ I , a--.