HomeMy WebLinkAbout320231300080 Year FU. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS F'/ SALE PRiCe Rd. .... Port PUD FPD 52 34636 Lee Roy Raines et ux 1 40:: S 3 L ~ 64757 Lee Rov Raines et we / f6? ~ ~ :; L fi. ;;/1 1.Jftf3 ~~". I~/-, L" !/\ ./ L It';-"'/sc~of' ,/,i Obi () 70 ~-f:7%J. t .G ("y: /""'~d^ ~ -" o)~ .. t2/760. .....~/d~.s:-' ~ ~ ~7.317/ 11,1/). j;-';:'lu,/;,4,,~ ~'I&. ' (j" {/^ '1-.. , 77 ,~ -:;>1-" 7(3 ( 1J,-;r-;~1 v). 7..Ic:.-jf/j);/J.+.:" ( Z(:..o #.r ~L ..." ~ ~~o .7' v,5.{,/o CrO A'cr , #72275 2m... 387812 John H. Caples Jr. et Ilx(Rnxt=ln ,) /1 II wrl 5'jS/ ~ ~~kM""" ",1-,-<.)/ ( a..wu ~) Lj</)O tt:73 'f1.3t..\; 3 '10 '!iJ'5 UiJ I' I' - - - - - - - i-- - - - - - - - - - - "'" '. '-. .~ '. , ._.~.. . "'4". --.-~ -- - --- - . - . '.. .. . . -- , .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y.., Order Timber Unlmprond Irnprond TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improvtd lmprovltmenb a.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 5-3 ,9(" ,9(" /tJO .3() /5'0 55' ,i'rI . 7'~, /0,-) t'J'o 1ttJ - St". . t;) ,8/ ..7'4. &'0 StJ ,1 J" 0 9'10 ti- ,t,;2. .8/- ,93 /od 5tJ J? 6"0 k/30 .fu2 ,93 ,13 ..Y d 5' ,f' of' 0 /705' M /'/9' or. ~, .93 .93 !',;z S- /37~ ~.;l."o a a ~ ./.. ""~ i/?.2 t? ~2J U- /~~r/_ / 'i'...2./J i?LL", 2Q rJ./7 ,=Y>9o Y1#t) '7~qt) ~ /7/)/~ 3#0 06g;- ?!f- /&1'/0 #I~ kFrftJ ~.a.lo 7,,? //J' /tJ..:;',C'J :.., -;' /"?? I. HI ,9:t 9:? ;;n 97~ II. 3::0 '-133::'.5 go :(b ?/. - /3500 ~S'l"~' ?3 30'550 ..;Jf1/Cu ~?-Iho LOT BLK. 1?~1n ~1'7f< y()lH>.Sn SEC. TWN. RaE. . ,20 L..... Tract $ of Govt 2&). /I'ax 762t(. , .:Jill #""il, . ~-'. .- '.-'~'. r' Formerly: Tr. 4 Of Lot 2 ex. 4-A, Trs. 3 & 5 of Lot 3 ex. N 15' of 3 Tr. 4 of L. 2: Beg at point 33.01 chs S (var 24019' E of ~ sec corner between secs 14 & 23; tJo W (var 21036' E) 52!'j th S (var 24019' E) about 415' to meander line; tD Ely along meander line to a point S (var 24019' E) of I.P.j th N to I.P. escept W 9' and 7!' strip of E side for ~/W. .31 A. Tr. 3 of L. 3: Beg at point S (var 24019' E) 33.01 CDS from ~ sec corner between secs 14 & 23; th E (var 21036' E) 52!'; th S (Var 24~19'E) 415' to meander line; th Wly along meander line to point S (var 24019' E) of I.P.; tD N to I.P. ex. strip 7!' wide along W side for R/W. .4$ A. Tr. 5 of L. 3: Beg at point on W line of Lot 3, a3.01 chs S (var. 24019' E) of ~ corner between secs 14 & 23; th E (var 21036' E) 52!'j tD S (var 240 19' E) 15' to I.P.j th E (var 21036' E) 15'j th S (var 24019' E 400' to S line of Lot 3; tD W along S line to a point thereon 52!' E(var 21036' E) of W line of Lot 3j th N (var 24019' E) 400' to I.P. .14 A. That part of Lots 2 & 3 23-20-3 W,W.M.daf: BEGINNING at a pnt 67.5' E of a pnt on the Eline of sd Lot 2, 5 2193.66' from its NE corner: running th W 126'; th S to the 51y I ine of sd Lot 2: th Ely along sd Sly line of Lot 2 & the Sly I ine of Lot 3 to a pnt 5 of the POB; EXCEPTING therefrom co rd known as Leeds Loot Rd: & excepting also that part of the W 15' thereof lying Nly of sd rd; TOGETHER with al I tidelands lying in front of adjacent to & abutting on that ptn of the property in sd Lot 2 & in front of adjacent to & abutting on the W 55' of sd Lot 3, in Mason County, Wash. ~e~,~ 2/70 >".)' - ~=-._--:,.. ~ -==---:------;=:- =,-",- '-,""",-"'~-.- --"'" --_ -. -_ 0' -_~,~. We"~ ... '-- . ,- .. '-,<'" A...," .' ..' .~, "' .-...\;,~ *Ex. Tax 762 A-B