HomeMy WebLinkAbout320231100010 Ya, Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9 / Rd. 8ch. Port PUO FPD SALE PRice '12 1012')[ Leitha E. Westland 57 /h 77h} I~J 'MA r-" ~ ~/p1.-1/7!-J 01 "r .3.:<11 f..!/~ ~ ;7".I'..k / I.. ~_ /77/-LSI- fn~ /7,7'';';h IA A ilL #- i. d--'l~,la~7 At! at. ~_--- !.,'" ""II/eL/ .r.7d-zt;: {-rJ- Jf<lt,;Si:> ~ jJn ff /.....tL ,/7 J 9/";,,, 213337 clldtr ~ ,,~ t{/.,.-JJ..Mdl Ji! dL 0;5 30/6/1-/ ~;U";;A'" C;, :!d~ "I (JAj '/O/j'U IlJQ;;~3... L S P ..L ftJ2.. .5 ~.:z..L II ""_ #/'61j'j ~OO. - ~/~; }I hr-l-...L. ~#-/%::>-(.o /tJ''''/:1~ -;t.td;J;5f,'Y' , - j<o. /5 '>7jL Ii- "7c,;;;.;r7/?;L 1I'/.239) ---f--- ----~----------------~-----------------~------------~-----------------------------~-~---- NUMBER OF ACRES --:::::::--1_ VALUATIONS ;; Oy.w, T'm'" U"7';'. '~~ ~ Oy.'" Tim'" u"m;~ Im:~. l(:~~~:b ;~: 50 II "-/ /5 7cJ ?lcJ /30 :UO . sf; /";o{) 4.00 /6-;00 70 Y'/J .:<'2t1 :t7rl 57 l/.tnJ ~t>-v I:.-:v--c; 9'0 cfo ..;(~o 390 ~9 I/.o-v 'If/"? 15,tr7J 7'/) %c; 790 ;1;:'0 (PI /l.trlJ </.-<>7> /S:rn> 9 /) f'o 9t./--s lo/r t.if 9/) R'~ 6ft) -!/t) la l;;:'s-};:), /;IIJ /IJ(J Roo /LJ/tJ It,ft J.Lf,rJO /rot) /-?:&Y /~LJ .:?</:; 3'40 ~g'9 L~ ~f,f' /1..110.' :;;'1? SrJ() $;f~ ?tJcJ .IRt'Jo t.~ S?J!J ~b..u #@(f)}t2J ?~ s;;i';% jlJ{)tJ /()CJO ,;2000 J!'1.. ' /;<,/~ >Oad! "- '} /"'A~ ~f 7>& ;:<aoO flf'Y:4J ,t~ ?; /' /.., ~;:; / ':.~c.,., LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ~r.;w~ [[f):QCi..!llJ - < .' ~ . .:"'~"'.. __.:0..;:_' _..~ ~ ~-. . , E;';: cf tr,e NE 1;3 "f sec 23 twp 20l. R3 ;'i,..JI; except 5 ~,crss thereof also except one certain spring in said premises being near t',e brn bound3ry trereof and jus W of tle skid rad situated on ~aid premises togetrer with the ri~~t to pipe.t~e watpr frm said spring by the nearest and ~ost feasible route of tl'e premises herein granted leaving a tract of 15 acres more or less l5<a,:PT .o,:.sa.h~"'N /N' /7,c.4 402ZGo. ". '.- ~ --- , --. -_.~. /-/ ./ -c,. ,-..-,<_____ ~-J/ ~... .. , . - I 0..... " /. , , t; [!..d. ~< -( / ;/./ I I..J_, . -; /' . ./ I J.-t:T' t,,' , 'I l/ c' , , '-' N, r' I I I I I T T I -I' T I I - '~------------ ...__._._ .', ...________________ ______________._____________. ..: _~_n.---- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS v.., Oyat.r Timber UnimproVlld Improved TOTAL Ord,r TImber I Unimproved Improv&d ImprovlImlnu B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 7G ':;C~-r} ;, . CO ./' ..:!lJs- J ...)...::;,-7 22... ,-7./57 '::'..">7 6':(:;.:; /.50) InR55 6?:... ::it.L. ,"~I/ ?'/ // t,!/,../-,;5 /~/j.:.J (dh;'::; 2? /00,;),5 ;)4, n - /:;;4;;:<,- I I I , I