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Year FII. No. ~ 112993 .- V..r Oy.ter .F.~ -~ ~-- 5~ il H J/JZ ~ ~ Z2- 17g' f J..8... t'3 "I '~/ #-.1 ! l... /...1:2. '5 {J.Of,f1( nU , jtAME of OWN~ 120696-1157177 . q t? /1 '? Edward B. Auseth et ux NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved ';;5: t (1 d.i. 0 0 dl, 0 Ci .;1'1, 0 () .;( '* t?-O i;;?3.o" LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. ROE. -" . - -, , . . .,,' - Impro....d TOTAL ";(3--:cc.', .;(5, (10 /. 00 ;;~N) /,0{) -25,00 /, Cr7/ ..:<5: 0-0 ,;1.0d .;<C;,ocl CONTRACT TO fooD OYlter .-. i:trn ~ 11M 7i Tlmbtr \ DISTRICTS /9 I :~~: FPD .lL S~p L ~.d. 3... 2.. L j{ SALE PRICE ~i~~~~ ------ ------ --1------ -----1--1 VALUATIONS . ~'pO B. of E. VALUE Unimproved Improvemenh (Bulldlngl) Improved /-iO /.:S'C> .;;>90 /&>0 .$9,,) 3?;()_ 1&-0 So 39e> (,.,00 .;?SC> 56 39() (,..cJo ,;:( 5"'0 5"0 71-9 S- ?'7 S- .=j/t'J ~t) ,~.:f0 y~~ I.::J//JIJ -f:.",,o !i",:?,1 &7~ ~~ 9t?tO t;M0 A!?~ H-" 4qJJ = /, 9d8 /~,jft6 7~9t':) 1?P.:lf/J g~ 94~ /~I/I) 7iytJ - /dif~61 /.flr47tJJ ~.fdJ I~ j~ l.f 0,' 1.2 ~ '1 171, ., ';<.'1 'J''> n .:2? 9 () 27 7.:;(J %c I.',' 5d-.3(!' ~ct.a3'1 l DD~VOrI.. 1lIli':N$* _ ,-, ..L,,- ~.. ~. .' '. .... "', ,..;.;.. ;,r~..".."., ,~ ,~-- . ..~..~.--~~.......- --'. -. ,-,-~~~"'" . ,'-. Formerly: W! NE NE 20 acres Tr. 2 of N 5 acres of N 5 acres of E! NE NE *Ex. Tr. 1 .~--_.~q;III.~""';'~r;'. E! NE NE .50 acres ex. Tr. 2 4.50 acres .~...~. ,