HomeMy WebLinkAbout320224690130 Va, Flit No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 BALE PRICEl ~"': (l ,(J, "2. IC1fn-:;{# Rd. Sah. Porl PUD FPD - - -X 116868 Glen H. Butler et ux l ~ s L JL L SF P-l- .5's- /S-tf39' .CL"'IZ ":~""Yim~d /;. WI: ~ ~o.-c:-?c.A/I..J " ~ .:?"toD . k U tyt2,.'.Ji. .~ " I. -/sy/ ~ _/. (;,,""J (/1 1407t'1 (b, ,~) t'7-. . .I '~,fl/ ~ ' ./ 8'f i U ..:L .J 14 .L il ,.t ~ !/ -:<,(/- / P.'. p ~ f' I? , ~~.-'#'''7'6 ;<fl7:51 . J'"-+- U L .J I- ~j a.. . C oe 1113 3.J'i t~<, t;J. .d. {l,M~ "n_ . 34 flo;;, '-/ ~-<'< flGG206 " - - ~ 370248 David R. Puhn t x ( at ..L ...l.. - $99500 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ._---...~~~.~~---~-----~--~:--------~--:-~--~-~-:~--~-----:----------~--~---~~~~~.~,--_. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL OYder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.oIE. (Bulldlnas) VALUE :E2 /19./':< /0 I '7 1-70 /({,7/J ~/~, .5zt . ~70 ;2 .2 0/'0 2710 - ..!. ~70 ;<3'J(J z.r;:,o h 5/:;.. 9. /::z / / /) L:2 ~J ,"5-0 '2. 'C/ 9<!-? .29'/0 , :J ~ 9iJ 52 /,).{) ,9'. /,2 /'t?O J13:2. 20 -?I/o C)"/J ,..29. ::( () .in :%0 /l-7,;;) 80 .1l'oo ~L/o 6,1 ...L..J: 0 ,f. /J ~?J() /1.3. J. ..0- )--2.0, /,59' ,;- ,;L Pc;o ~~/;} (PI /. .;2.0 t./~ ;(.~ /I,.?;:l. 1;;)..0 1395' 8035' <I~o # :::!< ~ /4/J .1..-., ./. ~/'J ~/? / , 7"" UJ- /.:J::l~ $''', ~ 9..?!:< , 1;0% ~ dfi. .1L1 (#51:; 9t.Jl~ / fJS'?.9 Z! b;>9"~Q /~ f1bPt:J l2.~o - 1i IA.c'o/! ~J'@ :V5do /j'~l'J #;7{0 7~ I. :z" t.. f..'2 1/,00 //3.2 31 A' 91: ~'1""dG S&; 77~ Jr1 SP'& U1&. :'~..e:/"2:;(f; uss() 3$0590 , b-,/} s,,,?#6!'ci} 2,06 2'-06 /!?$co LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. AGE. \? ?O '1 Tract, ,1'1. of A...:Jla11 's D.L.C & Tax 2l..O-D" /&.... /' ~ 1". " Formerly: Tract I-D Bgn at a pnt on the see lineb~twe.n sec 22 and 27 twp 20N R 3W~M- which is l~ i:J7 ....4) 1 W l:'-Lt:. au I i.'rUIJl -~u. .J~ GUJ.'l1W.C uf oulv. >.J"~ :::- Thn N 1912.61;' more or less to the 14L Thn f'ollowinf, alone'Said-HL S 6110 W232. 77' m- Thn S 1816.82' ~ore or less to the S~ine of said see 22 Thn S 87043' E alopg the S line'''of- said- sec 22, 216.0' more or less to the pnt of bgn (:,:mta,ining 9.520 acreS mQreor :Cess the S 30' thereof hein~ subject-to R of W of Shelton-Arcadia Co Ro Tax 240-D ---- ,T .L._in_front_of_Tr._l,..D_of A ._Hall',s_D.L.C. :' (Tract 4 of Short P I at #640) . That part of Alfred Hal I Donation Land Claim No. 38 in 22-2D-3W.W.M. daf: Beginning at the SE corner of sd Sect i on 22; th N 880 51' 18" W a I g the S line of sd Sect i on 1723.80'; th N 0057' 32" W 1110.74' to TPOB; th S 88051' 18" E 125.08'; th N 00 01 42" E 570.11'; th N 14007' 34" W 222.53' +- to the meander line; th SWly alg sd,meander line 90.55' +- tap which bearsN 00 57' 32" W from TPOB; th S 00 57' 32" E 748.64' +- to TPOB. TGW that ptn of 2nd c I tide I ands lying in front of the above described uplands and between the E & W I ines extended Nly. ~. -:;~.',~ " Except 13A, B & C ~ r+CJ+H-jLI .~ ....- =--- '.. '-'" ,_. - - ..,.-- .-" ----- N~MBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS -L- Year I -- I I L I Improvements I B. of E. Order Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Ordor Timber Unimproved Impr~ved (Buildln9S) VALUE .J1 _,,(,..0 :< .O{" ~./_ l- e. 7ot) t". 539'::;~/...<o 9tl5' if- 6,;; ()()O .J:39~o 1/S"7~~ ,- , -- -- _. ---- --,- ,. I - 1----- ~------_._.- -~---- ---- -. 1._- .-. '. .==1 - .- ---- -_. -- ---- - - -~- 1---- ---- - -..--- r--- - ---- , ---- ---. , \ . -"-- ----- I '. ! I ! i I i