HomeMy WebLinkAbout320224600240 V... FII.N.. d?,f~8iJ...J:;ZME.fOWNER ~ 1'3921' E. J. Mell --.;;-1 IYtf qo I- ~./M;f'- ,t. zfL, ../-:/ --1!L.L ' / l J9. )] /'t1. tth 17/;77,3":; ,jQ. ).t7. JJ:r. A~..h.v .0-J~,:;- 319t q), ;f 1\) N ~ b%~~~b/'; IVk/.-Ja0 B~~ t 7,b4Io<<> kra. d !/J, /D,- .~"" /l~j .!!1st 1j~1/-?$tJ 1I{,,/7v I1/. fi~~L / I ~ 1/3n/5 ./1;pL.-} ~. xL,o'$ n1;;Jn1. ) noD , DISTRICTS 70 Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - Robert Stay .3..k S llh L _ g ( -L!f2 ~..s1..!:t -'=-.if:. " dO JT """.90 d'S!;, I~ooo. / CONTRACT TO SALE PRICEl .,.... ____ ,; /,t?,{z>, 7';??? ':_ .... .-<5?f<:/ I- ;., ~ /? -,/1;;0 t??.? d-SOOO() IM...O .----.----.---.:.--------7 n_ ------- __n ----- -- - ------ - --- -- - -- -- - - - - -;: - - - - - - - c - - - - - -~-- - ---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Ycar Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL O"der Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 53 ISo j,S-O JI'ld /'S-O /.SO go /110 '.:<70 r..77 F() /3..5V /"9",3 0 & / .:YO (. !J /) f?o .5"'0 /350 I~J?O , 57 - ;;,s'd ,/. Cd 130 1.:l5o 1"L,r 0 8- /.50 ;.5C) /.3 ,j I ~.jO /'1.f'iJ 60 j,.=,-z:, /..bu /.!J lJ IX' .<; I) /7'J'0 ill /50 1..5(;) /30 /b",t-O /770 t6 ~ /30 /..fJ.;)t1J /f(~ -"- ~ ~:g /h.5 ~_:rz-'l ~~o dl t; do ''::l ~~ '" -- I- ~ '. ~% /?~o f6rt () :D7t~ . Ip~o~ b4tl1tJ W~ ;J/~~ , '? CJ'c, 17 730 ,;/oP/r; fSl II So 1<56 /Oe:.-oi>J 3<1 <JOD /1 """/J/) LOT SEC. BlK. !WH. AGE. ~7P~ Tract 24 orA. Hall's D,L.r.. /<","7/' > " ?? ?() 1 Formerly: Tr. 1 of E 1/3 of Tr. 2 ~ -.. -...... .... A tract of land in the Alfrsd Hall Sonation Land Claim #38 in Sec 22 TW!J 2VH ;1.] .r;u:'" Ben at a pnt on the E line of said Sec 22 267' ~ of the SE corner thereof Thn S along the ~ line of said sec 22, 267' to the SE corner of said SEe 22 Thn N 87043' W along the S line of said Sec 22 325' more or ISBS to the Elv margin of a private road as the same is now constructed and in ase .. . , Thn NEly along the Ely margin oill s1id "Private "oad " to a pnt thereon due Vi and 179' distant morC! or less from the ;:nt of bgn Thn E 179' more' or less to the pnt of bgn Excepting the Sly 30' thereof for publ.ic Ro R of W subject to sxisting Road ways ~~~ 5115 " ".".-. ~ .'.. - -"o- r , ...1 ., ,.:...... ".t \ -/.. . " , , ..(..(.#-, ;", vJ 1 / / -'-""'''' J......d_A:~....~-f I A ( NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved Impro.-emmts B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE S'I /~CJ /SO /OS-oo 3'1#0 '-N7t:JO , I . CIIJJIIIJ . _I