HomeMy WebLinkAbout320224600210 VI" FJII No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICEl Rd. Soh. iport PUD FPD - - -.2L 1/.767" Theron Mell "l li S "l Ie L -22... 1 <;666" Thurston Co. Savings & L an PI ..L H-.2 S ...J... .!:L .L jf <;<; 1 <;8i7t Emory J. Gatchell et ux (~~ ~ '111.. ~r'/ ~ '1-1-;-:-/./# 71[ n' jJ ) 51n na? f.;J~ a~L;i d Wv IceD J<~~63~o , 3&/35b - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. ;';;'.-'- . '- .. ". :~-'--. _.-. ,..' ,- '-. -_....*--. -.... ..... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS YIa, Oylbr Tlmblr UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyltlr Tlmbtr Unlmprov&d ImpfOVld Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 23. .7e . 70 ",;?oo 1/5"0 ~5Q .51/ ,70 76 ;{oo 7tfO '1t/6 SG ,70 .70 ;? {lO 71j() '7 '10 :EJ. .70 .70 .,;? 0 () /230 Ic/3o t.D .70 ,70 ~O{) /;:'5eJ :i,~5"Q ~ ,7t:1 .70 60-0 .;;;..;:bC) '.;U" S2) ~ 1:2 % "/'.522 :;;R/o ~O B- /..:lb"1J fj;):;;2,(I 4/1'7" 1Li ~~ ~o t#o cP; L/@ 2Z L~tJ8tS ~70/0 J/flf/td ~ /6'l?% /&,CJao /b9~ dl6!JS k.. 10 SOD .90 'NO 309t/O <10 , 7d , 70 1(" ~o d '/'1.5(0 dJ. 0 1/ \ h 7'?1?t'J /jl.,/!:"O D ///"'"""~ &1 '7D ,70 6';;'0/16 '1'1SOo ItJ'::;.s-ac, '. LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. ROE. \ 22 20 3 Tract 21 of A. Hall's D.L.C. /?'?' 7() ~ " I Formerly: Tr. 3 of E 1/3 of Tr. 2 Com at SE corner of secnion 22; th N along E line of see 22, 1427.95'; th W at right angles with Eline, 245.68' to I.P.; th continue W at right angles with said E line of see 22, 100'; th N parallel with Eline to meander line; th Ely following meander line to point thereon Nand parallel with E line of see, from point of beg; th S parallel with Eline to 1. P . , ,u.c.~.- -.~"