HomeMy WebLinkAbout320224600190 Vear File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICEi r.P. ;J.9fT,,?;Z Rd. Soh. Pod PUD FPD ----X 9>;841 Carl Raines (j("'I'M~ ) (0.. ~ro l .JJ,g s ..L Jt.. L ~ ..fr ;IS? i/?t tr J ~ ~ .d. .!i. 1.. JL - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - I--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' . .- ---.. ......'0. ---- - --7-- ----- -- --- ---------- --- --- - ------------ -- - -- - -- - --- - - - - -- --~- ~..- -- . NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Year Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B.orE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE 53 7,13 7,%3 .300 4?od 700 ...w 3bO' -Y4t7 71"tJ ~ "- 3oe) 1f'o /CI/lo ~ 6.g,1 I . 723 ,'JM .50 75?1J //,. ::r,:? J.tYO ,{, ~q ),00 ?? ,?, 9 ,;2/) ...3CJ tJ .5ZJ 7J?/l //5tJ Zp , i;J~ . I.(!)O ~::J..5' ,;). tJ /J .a-- ?~ J /.;j {[- 7%' 0 /'790 . .k..L I. t>-D S-;..,C;- d, (rt) %;;;.L\' 7.rJ //3 c;- /075' ;;);;J.."f.<';'" ~c, 75' //.35 /$/0 a:?~o 7:i !so -'/5" //g~ H3/ () ,.j.s-?OJ 14. ,~ ,bO CJ{) /<9'"';?() /Z;;4t; ~o '7. v,. JJl 5S '7fb; ~5 /6fh _.tJ7ti<:}) ~ ~ . //0 /.5'Rd l:>~5"'o 3;;)-7 t:J /a;J/tJ , --?J /, ()IJ g;~~ / eM '.7.,:z S- //Q) /.5J' cJ -,?-. .".e-- /t:;'lCJ ~ IT ><l'UU/ ?.1J . I/O' /sJJ& :P%{? ;s.;l7tJ JS'/YtJ %?-no , . ~- --- T SEC. BlK. TWN. AGE. ~-X:.A..~n;~ In,A{/() /5'Ro /..... i Tract, 19 of ft.. .Hall' 5, D.L..C~ And Tax /61'0 _ \.,22 20 3 f;6 n..t"" ,... 240-J /p: :- ~ Formerly: Tr. 2-A of Tr. 2 ex. 2-A-l ---"~.....--, -~ ", -""-......~.~.'" ,.~ , ~ B~n at a pnt on the 3 line of sec 22 t"p 20N R3 \':'\'IM which is r, 87043' W 34).001 f i'UIl! l...u. u.L:.I I..UL'l.1...r v': ,-,.:::"~ t..:..c ::. <f Thn N 87043' W along the S line of said s~c 22 172.84 to a pnt thereon Thn N 1896.94 1 more or l~ss to the ML of Hammersley's Inlt Thn followning along s:J.id !/;L in a SEly direction to a pnt thereon whidh is due N of the pnt' of ~gn ' T~n S to the pnt of ggn the S 30 I th ere of be ing su bj ect to R of \~ of Shelton-Arcadia Co Ro Tax 240-J Front of Tr. 2A.of A. Hall's D.L.C. ALSO: Commencing at a point which is N 87043' W 445.68' and N 186.40' from the SE corner of section 22; thence N' 43.60', more or less, to the N line of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to Paul B. Wood under Auditor's File No. 195986; thence Ely, along said N line, 23.2G'; thence S 280 W 48.35', more or less, to I.P. ,-_...' - --~ .~ Ell.~. Ji'U _ ,~ -. :L [;1. r7--'~~J-'-' =1 I .~~ .~- ;:. 11,.]-,- UlJ .' ye,,' 0'.... NUMBER OF ACRES L VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster nmber Unlmpro,..d lmpro..d Im~oY.m.ntl B. of E. ( ulldin91] VALUe 2J /- ,fJ/J _ .tf'.:' - 2,,()/) if..25 ,her;; J5~5 jf1?~ .s':l7t:'J /3bbtJ ,;;.J""j -1::f fE , , , L~ I-J ~ ~' I b 4() 7L) /~tJ;2; - ,3>/50 ~ $~o ,.~ 741 " A^ -:!?/ .B"@ ~ ~ 3JSn ~ I ."':3'I.5'cJ j/}5!2e /,e:d" ~. '7'10 . ~ L4"' 11 -f9- ~ ..3/50 liP /,06 3,:J. t:; H OA 5? ..:7.5 ;;t:"~70 J.-::S 'ND g9~/() , 77 ,;z77rJ -tJ, -2770 ;J5,J7D J 3Cj'/O 3'j"/D ~ ,. lA.., {...J(- .177(' -A- ,:? 7~, () 19 ~s.;no /.'5q if ) - ~(;') 10 1l Po--I 1 J /''..''J ..;1.770 -e- 2. "l7() 11 (7uu<: t:: ~__"f_"''''' .L. !;;. .10'" 'J'l1 125"..<7(7 r7/~ -'~ ,;( It? g.s;- go 1;15"';<70 ~8405' ~373~ f/ Q~35"b .;30700 /5"3oSb ~ ~ ~~. N~M~E~ OF ~C~ES ' LUJ II~ , '.- , - Year I Oyster Timber I Unimproved J Improved TOTAL 1- Oyster Timber Unlmprovod Improved Improvemenh 1 B. of E. (Bulldinqs) VALUE ~ -100 3. yS;- 'foo 9',;:2.,S- If/j. " It. t fr,fooo e-- /" bO 0 "'"""....... ,".I fl. I.)::> .'<,9> ~(nfX) 1530-')7) 8J.- ( ; (.:-1 ~~. t,t, 00 <.-,..... 1?3 SO 0700 1."3050 g3 /1- '..j I. (,,00 -e- &.(,.,(')0 ---- ~ /-LO_ ---- ,,3bl.!r 11. dO ,f,JlS- //36ao 30700 /9$lJOcl ii PHIl . !.-r C) / to (J(J --e- '}lh!10 ii _il CI 3-;.( joo __ 2,).-5 - 1136>00 ~cJ 700 1'1'1300 &~ I.DO 3,'2-? 3.OU 1-16 ~ I I', I Cj J torY' & !q/ hoD -, ~ , -------- ---- -.--- .---- I , 1___- -, -- ---- , , _==1 --- 1----- 1-- , -- r-- - --- , -- ----- I -- -- ! I ! I I I VALUATIONS ~..fv