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V.., Fill No. NAME of OWNER , CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 7r? SALE PRICEl d,!J '3 -'//cJ7 # ~3_n '7:3. Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD - - - - Sf --X 106757 Robert F. Miller et ux cc:15D....-'" l ~ s 3 4 L P-'r ?I .L ~ ~ ~ !L i:.. 1L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . - - - __.~,..___c.._'_____ ______:.. ________________ ___ ____ __ __.__ ___ _________ __ _ __ ___ ______. ~.~-:..- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS / . Yllsr Oylter Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyater Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (BuildinGs) VALUE D 713 '/,;, :J 00 .30,-; G; Of? ..,t,--;' , 3.-HJ lIt, 0 p/{,o /,;-c, . . floc I~O C) /700 ~ h J!.3 / 7,13 3'::;0 ..60 /f'iJu /,,;7.-50 '!iZ .9-" i.n /, 00 $'. 7 ff ,:((J 0tJcJ .5/) /~/.?IJ /77t!J , ~ ' 9';;- tf, f~3 ,;;1.. tN ,f'. 7 t ~, %::- ,I/g~ / '-/tJa c:;.{,;J.. cl .!d ,9S"' .s:'!3 .;{, fHJ t.7t IS- //35' ;:;"3'7a 35Yo fk //7t:J ,.r~ )1.35 ;;)810 3;1 bCJ ~ ,- dl/dJ //4 /~tJ ~9tt!) #? ~tJ ~ . ~t:f6 LL,7.Li , ,;J/-q'" 10/5' ~9 h t'J #30 ~ '-,,- il? noSe; /3,Qt,a 5-1'~ -- (;7 tj..?o" 1~ . Cf.L:J S:RB 4,tJ C! Iv /),/!"J #&:J /7'60 ??9 $7"sa v~t/'7 >1' /y % ''712 . fJ. .t;' g; rf$ I, tJ ('J /}?P Lf.3t3 J'7.t0 3?M ~ S980 73 "tf.L;; S; :/3 ;;j ..tHJ .g~;p ,..:1)S'5 J?StfJ J?"1.5b ....-fl""O l/6bRS '3 =..::...-- - LOT _-BLK.--- --. SEC. TWH. RGE. ?? ?O - 9/.., I). 0""', /,v- ()f .A...Hall's.D.L,.,C. And Tax 240-L & 1428 '/ Formerly: Tract 2-C a tract of land in the Alfred Hall Vonation Land Claim#38 in sec 22 ""',r ") . ~ "- .&.ht' _v.... ...,/ ...... Bgn at a pnton the S from the SE cornar of Tim N 870 1,3' W along th~reon Thn N 1896.94' more or less to th8 hI, of hammersley's Inlet Th~ following ~long said ML in a NEly and SEly direction to a pnt therQon which is du. N of the pnt of bgn Thn S to tho ~nt of bgn the S 30' thereof being subject to 1( of V of Shelton-Arcadia Co Ro ' Tall!: 240-L Front of Tr. 2C of A. Hall's D.L.C.. ,. a #- cf?.3 -)L/tJ Y - -4du~7 ~r ~ ' fl:3S"o73 - 7,1, ~ line of.s'lid said sec 22 the S line of saUd see 22, 172.84' sec 22 which is N 87043' W 691.36' to a pnt . ,":e, -, ----'-- -, . -.:-- -. - , ~ I - -'en = UTIli UJ --. NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Yellr Oyder Timber Unlmproved Improved TOTAL Oyder TImber Unimproved Improved Improv.m.nts B. of E. (BloIlldlnqs) VALUE 1:? ,q4' 5~ .::J ~/fO :f!. ?'..If' -1L" '" J ;Y.5iJ ~ .5155 "11-) LI7' ~r"'f/l ,~r-"_ j~CJ .$fJP~~ - 111 .I!t1(JO ~. / It (/.(J C; i!J &.,# If. ~ "$.ffi:Jf'. 5iS?J1'J 7~ 35';10 A__ //R.I:/1 1';;l.:HJLI1J $10- e"! jJ~JrfP l:r , 3SZJ,(j)J 3$iJo X , "1Ji 3.x3 -4,06 5( 7g I.:;;s S7r. 17~j/, l V;, 1.'10' 7~ f, , ), , fY',-# ~ 0 7CJ -A- :"',., 70 - .a ';)SC; 7() 17'J40 t./,.;)~ j I) 7l ~---I, Cd 3070 -6 3(17(1 79 ;;5570 17:;1 Ito f/:;' j 10 17 ,95 .1 fC? 40d -!( 7% 1"-- "',;; : , J(J 7~ " ,::' , 7() (jo ;;'~57{) 17~~r:- 'l~ '/(/ 9;; . V?;: A C) 30 7(J ~ 3(.. In f/ ~- :;<#05' 3~ 5O.a 15J30r:;- ~. 1 . I I_I I I I I I .,. - --- --- ~-..' NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS ~ ,pO Year Oyder Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I OYller limber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. . (Buildingi) VALUE 1L ...!-J:i.._ -. JiB ,/, dV f.7R IYt3 1/ ;l..P/o.i 33500 1St '1o..~ 2L f~ r I 'lrJ.5.5 "19- 705..'7 , ~. ?l .. . 1';;)3YO~ 335M ) '=;7" 9 (J'::; Y;L. I .. , , 1':/ ~t)..5S .-e- 7(}..s:~ ~3 1'.i1"J<lOS "53.600 1510103 .{3 _3&~ 4tJ/J (),7g -I , '?as"s - --e-- 9IJSS .-- ---- li.. II'/lS'S 335:06 I'IR:<,sS- - - yt c-i! :, -- _'1 () CI_ J.J&_ _. f,...,f,. .('.1 '1,;;. 4/ ~ _, e- 9~tJ/.!r q( - --.-.--- -, II 'I75'S' ~354o I/~! 2-~~ ~ .lii6 3.~O 3.00 1] ~1g - .f~, /' , .I CP,O I S '-e-- /9C}O I s:" .....' ~ . .==l-- -- ---- -~-- ----- ---- '-- - --- ---, ---- 1----- -, -- -"-- 1---- - ---- - -- - --- ---.. -_. I -.----- -, ! , I - I i ,