HomeMy WebLinkAbout320224600140 Vear File No. " .,.,~ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 7 () Rd. Sch. Porl PUD FPD SALE PRICE ~. . ~ lOlOF Howard V. Yule '"1'7, ')!"2.');/-g-ii'J,IJAt'~' " m. fA., f. 'll? I. ~"' ., ,~-fl>~n I~r; 1(-: - .-: 7 ?~Pi>:W "t:J: d ..L /i --:;;q,- --;;-, .!iz..7- 1.3 ;7~ I ( 0 -' Mi. ~ 39.52>0 '< ctd4/r~"" ( , .6..R-"ttl-<f!./A,( 3.l!L -; ~ h L s pi fl....,;:,&- Sf -L!/2's.3 1-/ LiL .A 1) 1/1 ,~ e:I ttl #- -:1"7 ~-!;f';;'// , :::ovn SAWv,'> /lJ " ------ . - , - ... ,.....--.--- . ~~, -.--. "':':'"----------....-....--..-----;-...-------------,- _...._-_._--------------------~-::--=~~ . "'--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS , Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~3 /tJ. 2- t, /C),1...L. <,L C! 0 390 790 v 1)21 " ~() /~t() " /{/?O ;'5 - /5-90 400 //90 5k ~d0 / /ddd 7"-1 0 .aJ //9'0 // //" . , 52 , 9.'LJ q, Yb hOD 1/.21 e2lJ 7/J/J 6CJ //9~ /~j,() -U- ~).o 4o~ .60 I I> )tJ ~9cJ k ,9[}' f. J& ,).. t!lP' ^ I &- /05- /~f' 5'" /6;2 ,) il/-fLJ //- ;. j a./ >/S' f.;).&, ~,,,",,,, 11.2/ I ::<S' /39.!:) I ~;;w 30c,tD ~ ,~ /Lf,,4 /74a /94tJ 3f~Jj it /.qf'o 3;;},;)S' /9,aCl b. .::>)<;, 2't2. ~Z ::<~jJO ({;.~. 3RtJa . -~ ?;;l, ;;;'#0 /r#l5fJ 3;?tfd 1/:;1$& !1- I~o~ ~'7 ~t:) b'i/SO" 7~ i'/t} l5'~ Zf .95 t- ' ;2. (. /j.60 II, .;z I 38-.1') 0 .II :1 r; 0 '/33'/r) 'if I /5"'7 <:3/, 3?~~<? /9../30 LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. - J>I ~..... 22 20 3 Tract. 1,4 of A~ Hall's D.L.C &. T,~'" 2l..0-C /' '/0, J " ~ Formerly: Tract l-C A tract of land in th.:l Alfred Hall Donat ~on land Claim /138 in u'1tl.; Zo<. ....w!J ~V'" J.l.J i"U'.l. Bgn at a pnt on t' e s .c.line be~we'n secs 22 and 27 Said twp and R which is " 870 43' W 1296.80' from the SE corner of said See 22 Thn N 1989.93' more or less to tho M~ Trn followinq; alene; said I::L S 750 IV 141.66' and S 680 IV 85.22' Thn S-1912~64' moro-or less to th~ S line of said see 22 ThnS87043 , E along th~ S line'of said see 22, 216.0' more or less to the pnt of bgn containing 9.658 acres more or l~ss the S 30' thereof fueing subject to R of IV of Shelton-Arcadia Co rto Tax 240-C T.L. in front of Tr. l-C of A. )fi~PYb - ~- T J. due( Hall's D.L.C. EXCEPT the fol lowing tract of land toCEI izabeth Wolf by.QCD #410354:) A tr of land in the Alfred Hall DLC #38 in 22-20-3W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the SE corner of sd Section 22; th N 870 54' W alg the S I ine thereof, 1296.80' to the SW corner of tr conveyed to Frank Wolf by deed AF#94830 and POB; th N 1797.58' alg W line of sd Wolf tr; th S 220 30' W 39.17'; th S 1760.84' to the S I ine of sd Section 22; th alg sd S line, S 870 54' E 15.00' to POB. '- ..... ..",". .-.,~ ~..~ or 1- ~.9/~~~ I C;"I'/"! rn"..... " > D +, .0H ~ -&..-...... ~ --c=- .-. v.to. I~ II VALUATIONS I . NUMBER OF ACRES I I to ,pO - I r I lmprovem,nh I B. of E. Year Order Tlmbrtr Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved (Buildjn'il~l VALUE gl Si$!5- --- .::; :2.c" .s: 00 1/ ..21 r;;.. '":zH'9 1/57!t3n ;;n.3~ Iii'/" ).(.5 ,fz E4:q, Ij,t"s <.c C) 28185 -, :s IO.0P ~.QtJ 1841/.35 :Q .. &Wf >'01, ISS 7()() -A- /5'5700 81- . /'f'l9.0 /'I'/fS-o , - -- -.- ------ - .'--- 1 -- -- ____m_ -- ---- ~----- 1___- - -- ---- -~--- ----- --- --- - -- - - .==1 .---- 1----- -"--- r-- - --- e--- - - - - --- ---- .,---- I --~---- I i I I