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70 Y.ar File No. ... ,. NAME of OWNER L.1,7,{, $i'<J 7 -.75795'F II" k?J,;(5.5t1 ~~, .A.:T r //-,,,2 J.~ did ~/J3 12 7 b 15,2 O. fl ~ z:=/kL J V/ CONTRACT TD DISTRICTS Rd. Soh. Port P-UOIFPD SALE PRICE '-JI:5li) ...3- -AL .s.. ...3- -4-11-- 8! i!12.. <;' .? d.L.iL ~-... L1 j;;;;~. ;B ?'3J'=<. ---1--- --1--- J-- ----- ----- I- ---1--- I-- ------1 ----.-..--_...:._--:-:~ ------ - ----~-----:--- --- - ---- - ------- -----~ ---- ------- -- --- -.., .'---- NUMBER OF ACRES r V ALUA TlONS Yea' Oyd.r Timber U..lmJlroved Improvtd TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improvad Improvemenh B.ofE. (Bulldln".) VALUE Z2. ,cf'5 ,g'.5:' ~ .5:~t:> 2L. 1/~!1 ~ /d</.a .<!- '/&6& 7~ " 7~() ,;l;;Z 70 3fJIlO .%L ,SS 8'S- 3aoo '-/57)0 1S70D ~il . q 1Jt: IJ YS-oo 7.5"60 7s- ;h /J 1:0 o 4J 3000 sobel 'A,,:A.-6-Y B- / -- I LOT BLK. 1'2T~Ir>j,')I~~I!taH _. TWN. RGE. .?? ?fl 1 'f'r' -r 10-' of" '~11'.. n 1 (' /01' ;( / Beginning at a point on the section line between secti / N l!70t.1' 1J ?17/\ RO' f'-rom t'ru::. "" ,..nrn~r of section-22, f"r~~"" of l"nrl ~nnv~yM 1-0 T.,:mn::trt- " nQTPT"hlCoT'g nnnEl'r Jlud ThAnt!A N "long F. linA nf" !C:::lIici f'r~"'t' ?09..!-to the NE c=n of ]"nrl t'!OnVAYP-rl 1-0 !I::::liirl nc:t-prhprg l1nn pr-Auditor' s File p",."ll el vit"h 1-h" S linp nf' !C:Pl"Tinn ':12, 210' ; thenceS- 2 11'0 ..ho ., 1 in" of !C:p.t""t-inn n. thlConc-p N 870(.3' W,-along t , 2.2., 210' , mnTP n,. less., t"n T P "xcept RN for ~l-ton- ons 22 & 27, which i1s ami b~ing-the-SE--cGrner of a ito~~ile #21-1-550, or gf a tl'aG-t ~!22611'17-j-thonoe E, 09 I, 1IKlre-or less, he S line-e-f-see-HoR ~oad!a-Geunty IRaad-OY"" 1-h" S 10' --:-::. -e- . ,J;e. '.~