HomeMy WebLinkAbout320224600100 - V,.r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ?n SALE PRICE -.Ia.:i:. ~.A ,,1> Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD '" c, 1l!I.h-dA-?p)@. d,v,p/ d~_ <1'1. ~ ~ / 5'1'1:<;) .J... S 3 .~ .:r /1, ofT' / 17/;2S"'-o -I. .#-//JJ,7T.""/ '"'/~ 3/ ..L ~ ~ "L !:L .l:.. iL .!P "'/4"'>>S- h~ '?~?:Jo; .;L 6f"l7 . ,j & S>15'>".IS.. J/Lr/z':LJI. ., \4;,.......,.....,1' .J).Jt'? 1/ ~/-A'YI. .d~, 4 bC::f:::) ~ ..:7.7517;1 r-- - - - ~~no / /, r-- - - - - - - r-- - - - - - - - - - - "----, :?t, ,J.J."J............ iI. '_ .'. .l~. . .. ,.., ~ '... ~..~. ... . __"....."'...'ti.~..1 ~------ -----_..._._-_..,,-----""'...,----_.__.~..._...--_.._..._--_.__.__.--'--_........ --....---.------.--....------ ,.......- -.-'- .... '1 "'fI'''' '''.::.. < ... """""'''li!h'' . ...--ot- .. ........,...,' ~~....,,;~.,~.... ..., . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v,., O,attr Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved TOTAL _er Timber Unimproved Improved Improvement. B.ofE. - (Building') VALUE .54 ,/0 'r"CJ ,;;{o ';;<0 .& . C/O . '/0 ,to <(35 455 ~ ,;/0 ,I/O .5'0 P35 ....%F5 .'-1-0 4D .!Jc) Ibg~ l7~o bO Ijo . tj-o .;S"<J /6%1} /7~o &,/ . </0 .do 50 J71e;- 1135" ht,. ~ ~ dtJ .:l::l3tJ ~ ~ .#4- ,R4 I~() ,::;}.:Jgt!) ~3S6J . L/tJJ,/J .:fl23/? ,2t,3't/ ~ _,AJ P/JO ~E/~o Qtto " $L I j,. 70 7 /tXo 14f6o S"'.6dD /l:1. "f?6' ,~ s;Bo /j&/h~ #f7'Yo /}i/. .l'JJ3 % /tJh ~ ,p7~o 751PB 7(,p \ _~ "!{)O I ~ //" U 17 /';;/0 ~/ , 8'!J- \ &'s- 6();l.~ "::!'6,k" 0 31 y,J. S LOT BLK. BEe. TWN. \22 20 3 . / ,r<" ~t)_ f , ROE. a s . /' 0, ~t 1>- Forme rly: Tract l-G-l . ( " ~} B",g. eI", d paint on the Sec. ling bet',:een 0eC'S~2_aJld 27, t/t."hic:h-i-" N <\70/11' W 22fA $0' from the OS corner of Sec. 22-;---t.heltCSLN' l~j tl,,,nee 1>, parallel WJ.tn tne 0 .LJ.ne of 3"". 22, l1l0'; th'i'uce- ~~O t, more or le~3, ta Ll,,, 0 line of Sec.; thence N 8'1-Q4-J' ."-,'along tl<-c :J line vI 8"G" ~AO', mon; or les~, t'o t'he prdnt of bep:inning._- \ Tr. 10 now includes Tr. 25 ) BegiMing at a-point on flie'section -Une between sections' 22 & 27, which is . N 87"43' W2296;80'-rrom.the-SE"corner-of-Section'22;thence,.continue N 87'43' W80'; ) ~~ence J, 209'; .!:E?~e ~" parallel witg.the,S. line,. 200tJ~tlieiJ.c-e'S-19' ;-. thence'w 120' j' ~hence 8190', more or less, to I.P. /-,?'. /O-R . ~ar-B:"1Jo:trrt-orri;he-sect:torr-n.ne-between--secttomr22'&- 27;-wn~s-N-870 43' W,2176.!lO' fJ.vm the DE '"'vu"," vI """Llon 22, CLUJ bd~lre-&E-eorner-o-:f-'a-t-raet-.of~1end . (,Q~"eyed te :Lel'!:'dkYL F. 0$tcrberg tinder ;'uditer'~ Frle-No-;--2l25:)U; thence .Iq alvU/;\ B-Hne-' of said tldct 20~' t6 the NE CV"ll"" vi a tract o-~l~-oonveyad-to.Baid QBterb~g_under A"-:iiteF'll File No. 226847; thenoe E, par""~' wi +.h tOO-&-l-ine-of-section-22-;--21O ',; thence S 209', mv",,' or l.~'l) to thp R H~. of seetieR 22; th~,.,,.~ II "7043' W, Mens "11" s-Tfile of B~o"+i~R 2~, 2'10', lIIOro OI le$b, "0 I.P. ~..w~l't R/W-for-Sheli;on--Aread:ia--Count.y-RoalLover . the S 30 I Beginning at a point on the Section line between Sections 22 and 27, said township and Range; which is North 87043' West 2376.80 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 22; thence North 209 feet; thence East, parallel with the South line of said Section 22, 200'; thence South 20.9 feet, more or less, to the South line of said Section 22; thence North 87043' West, along the South line of said Section 22, 200 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, excepting the right of way for Shelton-Arcadia County Road over the South thirty (30) feet and excepting road rights-of-way, . ~t';'I:'---- ...ef (!. - /1 . . A:-....' ~Jtt~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Bulldln9S) VALUE 5''-1 .ts- . ts- SLJOiS .;<d,too .g1,faS- I ....- .. I.IITIIIIJ --=re .-J