HomeMy WebLinkAbout320223690030 y", F"~ No'CI?3/orf')(:, NAMEof~WNER 52 106786 Frank Salmi ~168507 Rov D. Prather et ux ..6!L b CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 Rd. 8ch. Porl PUD I FPO S~lE PRICE II H~?'1.<O "''O7.? $~rtoo #64458 ~~., -~.' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., Order Tlmb.' Unimproved I mprovtd TOTAL Oyster TImber UnImproved lmprovtd Improvemenll 8~ofE. ~ (BuIldings) VALUE 3."'$ 'l3J' 1.'3,f 1/30 /510 /99"0 E. tJ.3 f 9.3/ 430 /7~o :?d20 - Ei CX.3,f 9. 3f 7130 dcJ </0 d ,/'7 () 2.b.. J'.3 ,? j/JtJ 9. 3 e 43(J ~j- 0 d (JlI cJ ;)5;<0 a ,7.7 ,f 35 100 /tJ.16 .-:? 0 7"3 () -0 .;7. 0 .;to ;:ISt/o ? st ,3'i -;1..'3% /-t' 0 .5, 7 '7 /0 d.;) () 50 0700'0 23;}O fi ..39 r/3% /, 00 ~'i, 7 7 /0 .;1.;2.0 So ,':l5'f (j ;;Mo k.J2.. ,39 43t /'00 !;-:77 ...e>- r;Lj" 7115' ;( 5"f? 0 .3396 M .3'1 'i3t /.Q-t; s: 77 . t.f)' -)~~ '3..:tS6 ~6b ~h I/t; 6(; -'Jtj ~ 4MM;- .M. ~ rf SlJ ;tt9 ~g,j) 4f&:?cJ ~;j1J ,~;. . UI- 41-5"' ~h,/i / ,R'71J S"//{; '7,t~tJ 9/!) jJl/o 3~4t7J /tbmt9 I/S7'~ ~j! ?~ 1I3.1.~ 57.5lJ /a;;t3tJj /:?.;g/s 1;12. H (I .i /' -70 /".., , ~z.c"GJ .elf<%' :/'~4l/ , lOT .. BL.K. p 7/3.S "---~ SEC. TWN. RaE. ~ "':~Io.GJ,f)^~N '22 ';>0 1 Tract 1 or A. Hall's D.L.C. & Tax 240-1* /oc,,;q^ /- "-:.J Formerly: Tract I-I ex. E 100' FORMERLY: Beg at a point on section line ~etween secs 22 & 27 which is N 87043' W ~ 2808.80' from SE corner of sec 22; th N 1770.97' more or less to meander"- line; th following meander line S 890 W 215' & th S 1771.46' more or less to S line of sec 22; th N 88049' E along S line of sec 22, 215', more or less, to I.P. except E 100' ALSO: all that ptn if any, of a tr of 2nd cl t/l suitable for the cultivation of oysters, formerly owned by the State of Washington, containing 16.48 acres, conveyed by State of Washington to Benjamin F. Skolfield, by deed dated 3-6-1900, recorded September 12, 1900 in Vol. 8 of O.L., pg 35, which lies ifo the above described upland. NOW: (Tr. D of SP #578) A tr. of land in the Alfred Hal I Donation Land Claim No. 38, in 22-20-3, daf: Beginning at a pt. onthe sec. line between secs. 22 & 27, which is N 8r43' W 2808.80' from the SE corner of said Sec. 22; thence N 1770.97', more or less, to the meander I ine; thence fol lowing along said meander line S 890 W 215.83'; thence S 1771.46', more or less, to the S I ine of said sec. 22; thence N 88049' E, along the S I ine of said Sec. 22, 216', more or less, to the pob; ex. therefrom the E 100' thereof and ex. the S 399'. ALSO, al I T.L. in front of above des. prop. ~~- --~ *Ex. 240-I-I . ~ I .-.- ,-. -.......- --;,.-- I I III"-r- _n - --:c-:.__.~. --. I ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved ImprovCld Im~ovemenh a. of E. ( 1,I1Idingsj VALUE 7& Lfq'fP /flP 41'J --"' - .- ~ J. /J'~ ~'l7 ,~.- S:/<;;:fL -L6C1/m It/$~ ~I'::ll/.l }/SlJo ,-- SI'1~g - /'ly//> ~ . 3&f / ..?9 ^I.oO ~.77 ~OC>(^ C 117 c-:>.o 3 ~ S"'JlJ 79 ~cr 3,t:,3 .~,b3 J 'n50 J 8.5 ~n 37,;;(f50 'I?/ cr 7 t" 7 t;"'t> 375"/1 0 //t/,;;<~o it.! 363 3b3 7 J 000 b '170 C) /3S7t:JO I I - .---.----- n n _ .