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Yu. File No. f!ru/ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9/ SALE PRiCe . ,;<,;, I :r:; / Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - ~ 106s6' Anthony K. Alexander I 40, s ..2... L S P - ..j-", 117..-...4 IN J'j~ } A"" L ffiL s ~ !;' L If 19: 1~-9:z...'l1 L:,. /J-<'H' J f' loOeD - - - - - - - - - - - - - '. - - - - - - - I- - - f-- .' - - - - - ~ - I- - . - - - - , '!:!t ..---."'7:~ . .~ --------...- , , .~ t~y~ -- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS \~ . - - Year Oydor Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL OYltBr Timber Unimproved Improl'ed lmllrovl. 9.orE. (Bulldfhu~) VALUE s;a /.3 >3 /~ 53 1';<.bO - ~ 35'"0 /.2, .s () /0 40 %~() i~() .s. 9 '7 It /9/J 1"~o ~,fo 51 97d'! ~oo . , 5l 7M /~,o -') 7'1? /fd 1I7CJ 7;J;t , , , 31- f. i1.f.. 1-~ 7,,,,,, /~,rt Po /Yo Lifo. /7"90 cZ2 (, () iPtJ .f. fJ.t. f>. q""" lb'''''' ~ 90 3000 ///j?o 4L~ %0 :1.trD '-" M f. i7/; '1 trV 7.vv I b .g-z/ 90 3~d~ ,;)~70 5760 . J;tJ 9'0 ?J!'JtH) 3/J5rJ /;;,/'1(;) hG '0/0 3d eJ 0 .3'J'deJ 69/0 a I...~ / /-r;- ~~.60 ~?y-4 Raft! . ~ hf- ~ tHY 1ot}o ..i,....~ ~ ~AU ..T ~ /.1',1.0 C; ',-, - " ~f$f0 2l ~9 i1.lJJmdtJ 9.~ ,j,~ 'h Its IfliA 11 - ~~~ $?/ofJtJ ?5#tJ - -- ..,.<,7')"'0 LOT BLK. {Y t IC ,e. .7&. ~.50') -. -- SEC. TWN. RGE. ~~ -- ! ~2 20 3 Govt Lot 2 * And Tax 682 r " - ">. Tax 682 Beginning at a pt 6.45 chs W along meander line from the pt of intersection of the E line of Lot 2 with the meander line and running thence in a Wly direction' 8.87 chs. to the terminal pt. .=,~-;? ,,:.;"/.. qrJ r--" ~.27 ./c..#7?...A - cJ.,f5' c7A'A.L- .fA ~~--~ * Ex. \.. --::. --~~ , :Y -- A.o.....-v. .. ~.. -.- .~ - J;(;I T-5. l-"}.. :r tfH-+--tft1 ._--.... .... =\ "I .F-~....--,.._. -~--- =>-= --~"--=--=- ,., " -. ~.._...... NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS 6./10 Y.er Order Tlmbor Unimproved Improved TOTAl. Orner TImbrtr Unlmproyed Improved Im~o".m.ntl B. of E. ( ulldlnql) VALUE 74 ~. V1.46 7&J // "''''' /tIJ1(J <% ~a ~ "'..J;1~ .:;5.--- KW../4 :0' 1 S- Lic-;,,,,, '11M,,;} /lb.?n fHf.jJffJ 76> 8'"'6"".;<5'1) ~;J.d100 77710 7f( 9. 00 7t1tJ I &" O~ II. ?/Na ,.:71 ~~ PI'> t. 3.5 1'3 It. f. ~.5Y) I.d ~ I7tJ c;{ I.&;' c..:;-/\ !