HomeMy WebLinkAbout320222300010 Y." FII. No. t lac _ ;;2 J/'!J ll!'3Nj" ~ Clara storts ,~L/ /5Ift1'1/ 7l1//~~)/(1'-c.d';J; .. 1"'7 )'Z 9J:5 ... '-j/,,/.,././ e",,;d ,,-7,,,;;/ "t{).t. /..- ~ h'?1t" .:!/Jd.. :{f 87 ()!j t~ CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 19/' ; ~~;~: ~ :Ip SALE PRICE! If! (i~" II. '( ~ .,p '/:. ;f.~ J4 3rXSD/ /)\.7-':;- /'~ ~ ;2, (](), JL ~ IY~() kMO. , .-- -... .=--:-;::'-':-~---~-_::_-----=--I-------- - - - - - -_-- --;-- - - -~- - -- - -- -~-~; :'- _:':: ~- :::;.:..: :.:~ ~~ ---.'='--_. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 6,f'D Year Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oy;ter Timber Unimproved Improved Impfovemenb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ill. 9.-A.s C},t./S .;< 7" tJ ;;? </0 k 9t/s 9. <1,5' /~P';; /~r~ .6L. 9.r1s 9. ~.s- 'l'13 7 cff.' /.;(7'5 /,;;)c./S f- ~ " e::". /She; /C"//;, ~ '7.'/5 .;'f..t2l() ,9.% ~b5 :3//rJ 8;7;:;G l,fI tf:v%" ,~ 0,!ib 1/80 'E'15 J'Sfj '2l a;-&l~ CYb~ 75& /-1'/1} ~ /..5Za i~ ~to ~II /dlo'~ 3/.;1.0 EtMlJ ~~ '1~ 7:;-/</ 7.:;-/0 2Z- In .J.S' .:7-," t, _5 () IC,/eZ5 I fc, leZ5 g() '), ;<f.. , ;2. 5" S;3Cj ~nul ~ 1'1 '/60 /</</,:., I') ;?/-? , M OiS</tJ~ ..:<Swt: COT BLK. - - ..... SEC. TWN. RGE. ~d~~ ~ >:_ 22. 20 3 Tr. 1 of' .Govt T ~,t 1 ~I , .." --- Formerly: Tract 4 of Govt L0t ~ u ~gn at ],:C of N shore of Ha:rc"1ersley' s Inlet betwet!n st!c 21 and 22 J.YVf; 2~.. :i.3 ~. Thn n along the W boundary Jf said lot ( var. 240 l5'E) to NW cornt!r of said lot 1 Thn E along the N boundary tt of said lot I a distance of 249.5' Thn S (Var. 240 15' E) to 11::" of "amrnersley;! s Inlet Thn along said ML in a Wly direction to place of bgn con. 9 acres ;r:,~' (' t ;.3 7 . .(7/ I /' I ViL.- A'--::~L..0 ( f'......,-. , . ,,:' !!.<<"'(.v," Ci.~ - Cl, 3J' C:L.bt.e... . . ;-.~i.r ~.........- ---.::..- -,. - - ..~