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Ve.L, , File No. a/; NAMEofDWN~P,3d191q CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9/ SALE PRICE: .;;<cJ 75'1 f Rd. .... Port PUD FPD - - - - - 52 108949 Leslie F. Younglove et ill( 1 r.02 S J L --- ):.,7 'eJ29o,f, Q Vi'h f",. ) J;:J ~ -q '> L 1/1 j:?AAA&'()Y;Z 6';7 k7;:;1/0.?t P~/".r L // .ff A /u1 / / , ~ - - - ~hf:, 3 j,F/1,I) ~3.~J !!k- JNfoJf v ~ II. (;JJ, ..A '7: L.rJ .P.. ~ 'Pt7;:;" 7 ~"I ..; l- ) ~~' /f/5ttJ3 6/~" ..k/1N MLfl.N er AL v , V ~) &d 1/ 1/ .5,,-1, / 6(J;:) foqcrz..) . - - - - - ~..- , ~ - - - - r.............. , ...- - - ,- -- :..,e NUMBER,.OF ACRES VALUATIONS t ~ Yo.. Older Timber Unlmprovlld Improvlld TOTAL Oylltr Tlmb.r Unimproved ImprOftd Improvementi B.01 E. (Bulldlnp) VALUE 53 ~.tJO 3,()o tJ,t)O t/ l/CJ &6 .3 4Jo p<jo 55 7<5'0 /.3:;- '5'. ~ ;; 3deJ ;;;.5 3tS- fl ~;,-o 1.3:::;- 5..5'5' 3/5' 50 ,;}3/0 ,;(1&75' -, M t. ~ rip{', (?, 5J~< 5.%6" . .;!o:i5' ,;;310 1/3~5 t,1 1."'-/')5'l ,c!.. 7':J't> 'I: If)'" 17'55 ;;>'3/0 376.s- ~~ p/~6" ,.;l7Yo I i./I /7 ,,- -''''' t"J /1/55 .:).9/0 43MJ a /155 3.~ M73 ;;;:- ~ '" ;1:- ~ /Jl~ //Iso 41?tJ Ig5~~ zfJ,~cJ 1/5S- 4/4> t) 5'30; ~ .3,tN:J ~ I~..m_. . ,.1. #II .:J .; Jj ~Z?!- 'LhL'tJ ?/':<.?" ~~ J';190 /~ () 11s .!'S"oo ~;$I.f'() /{,11t) 11/ I#.c'% / fbt:)t:J / /,5J?o ;3,%;d'a 10 1(6-&0\':1 /7,j.;lI'J 35K.2o , 1;0'1'- BUt. IEC. TWN. ROE. l~~"".J"\'~~, 3Di'ilWll7'i ~;,~~,. ",_.F>. '"*"V~ ,- , '\' , ?? ?Q 1 Tr.<lct ? of r.ovt Lot 3 &. T,~x ?J?_A. ",<:.:6:"1' ~... .~ Formerly: Tract 2 of GovtLot 3 -tX/ /70' ~ E'567,& t) / .)J .e..r3 sie;d A strip of land along E line of Lot 3 being 8 chs 60 1ks in width and extending from meander line along beach to N line of Lot 3 ex. Trs 3-5 Tax 242-A: front of Wly portion of Tr. 2 of Govt Lot 3. Tax 241 and 241-A combined (Inner and outer) Co@ at a point 19.92'chs W & 67 1ks S of meander corner to frac secs 22 & 23 on N shore of Inlet at intersection of Lot line between Lots 3 & 4 with meander line of said inlet; th S 610 W 6 chs to point on meander line which is 25.17 chs W & 3.58 chs S of meander corner to secs 22 & 23 except Tax 241A & B # .P? () t, /6 3 Ij:JiJ;41/ 1Z.~2f /~-z<-d" - c. 5' / ~ k~ q/Cf ..... ~- - ~.....--: *1:0'... m~ _ _~!!IJ!I'Ltt Y? ,Erp.L~ ,E/,t7/,s,gc!E/I,</ M-L<ZH'- U,</L!/y, ~ /',vr:- ,(;#Q2T //ltd4e#tU! ~.o..ee-a!5 _ n" 0/tc;.;#/8 h.,-au_B 6v.:5cz.H' " * j .1. tti-tttttJ --. ' ~-y v.:1 NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Qydor 11mb.r Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B. 01 E. {BuildinQil VALUE 7/ .Lildi --- c7 II-( c2 14 'J./tJ:l.S () ;2.1f3t. 5 t, <( ~ Ui . 83 II, ':l, n/ll\ :::>L Q/), 91 90n k ~11t./ :?,I</ c'3ooo '-1& Fa a 10 9.?oo - -~ -" -- -" f--- - , / , I ,