HomeMy WebLinkAbout320214490102 y.;; I -File No. -r---.~'-'-----NAME of 0"";;;---- 95059 2/79 -1-1-99.6.- ,gJ.21:bara E::20La~ ~on i ere - ~g4877 3771'95" V V 0 9179 -,--,3133_~~__ 6/80 377,93_L___ I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 7 () Rd. 5th. I p.,rt PUD l-fPD I r J '1 ! , 3 42 S 3 i 4 I L i H ; :r.flJi.D~_McD.oll'fill..e1.1 " 1 T _I i I 300z:r~t IU ~~ I~ ~~ L~I SALE PRICE #14957 <1~68ri~ '''or #68726 -- -'-i'-- ------,----- -- ----- -- - - - ~ .~~' NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS ~. Year I Oyster TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL 1- Onter Timber Unimproved Impr::.ved Improvem'nh I B. 01 E. (Buildin9S) VALUE Zf -hf- -- .'it .'7b 7<1,5>0 7fL?O (j, 5' 7 .:U~tJ .1)'7 :Um XL Rd l <Ii 5'1 l.?~.) a 0 $(.';/0 t1 glf ,91. 7b f 5'~g()O 5:<. goO -- --- - --- -- ---- --,- - I -- --- ___nO --- -- 1,_- - -- --- - - -. .---- 1------ ---- -..-- - --- - - - , ., f-- 00, ! "ml LOT IIUe. I' n 1111_ Il JI LI t SEC. TWN, RSE. - 21 .........,~ 20 3 Tract 10-B of Govt Lot 4 & Tax 236-F-2 & 694-F-2 If (! J..; 'j " <Tract 3 of S. P .11605 A. F .11377648) ~;,...,/ That ptn of G.L.4, 21-20-3 W,W.M., particularly daf: COMMENC I NG at the SW corner of sd G. L. 4; th a J ong the W I I ne thereof, N 3059 r 54" W 374.99'; th S 87009'21" E 297.86' to the POS of the tr of land hereby descr; th N 3059'54" W 431.81' to the Govt meander line; 'th along sd meander line S 72004'48" E 43.73'; th N 78055'12" E 46.81'; th leaving sd meander line, S 3059'54" E 431.70'; th N 87009'21" W 87.65' to the POS, excepting therefrom rd rights-of-way. ALSO al I tidelands lying adjacent to & abutting upon the above descr tr, being bounded on the East & West by the unbroken extended side lines of sd above descr tr, and extended to the I ine of extreme low tide. ~~ slt4cf __. __.c .. - - -e7 _' ...~t: ~...\~ (J - ~ /~~.- -, , ,;I-/'-t,....t: , . '". ~.<..,("-.i" ..<,...\ ';) Lu,(' "F - 0 .I:' "',, v'2..".e-<> "- ( ?