HomeMy WebLinkAbout320214400070 DISTRICTS " e- Ad. Sch. Port PUD FPD ,q, , ., j #j~":)&0 ----5Z.. Ella Agnes Gage ""'11l. ~ili) lJdg S l.Ji.L S,P., 61'-':",,0 5yIJ1:3Y/n% ~. ~/ C~A,~ /~.#.y' J( I !f2~~!:L L Ji /bC / / <--;7 . / ' Ie" ... / ""'J' ~ 1/ L- fL -7.. IA .. '0 __ l,fu-"V 7 .[,,1.-,.'1'15/7 ,1 o. o...~... 7::1.' .:....u .".10'. ____ 'j)" O. r~i9" 0/./ -./ -R / Ie- .zz;z//~k ~-.fJ..c-.,,<,-9 /.'.././S'S'oA<,)/e>e !'fa.. ?t..t!4lf ._ V 3,&.;1. '!jl5-l&'il:'.fi...-I /J.;{ ,,:A-. /.$'11' f;fl fa-3-0IQS-1 ~[) ./?" v21' ' ~j 1?Ufo CkJ. _lul!':A;;~,lnfL>~ /'/-DU U I / 0 v... FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRice .4 /",,,!,& ~, --- ~~4::v,/--r $/9500 #7'7'1'11 w.., ../",9'0337' ~,1"''''''''''' J'tJ~ .' . ~------ - , .- - ____ao-______-..._____.____-__ _._.________________________-_ _____ .. . -..- ~- ' -~ ", NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS / Year Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE ill. 6,,;23 ./. e s. (p fJ .:? 7,~1 66 /70 ~3o 1,.4) d /.2/0 .-? /",:23 j ~ ..P; (., J! .;?, 0 0 7:&/ ,t,(') ,-/70 Z,,<{O 7tto /~-..< 0 #- bcJ 7'7" ,;;..;; 0 IO~ 0 ...!2. G 0 - M 0.:23/. - f,tJ,(' .20"0 /o,O! --e- /:35 3075' 970 4/JTo , 6/ (,,;2..J ~ . ,f./J( d.H /tJ.of &,w. ~;w /'3~ 3"7~ SOtJ 37/0 .k2 II.. n9 'I ~. /3p' ,;)1.7. 5' 500 EG'~o ~ , "'-" /~,I) I.~~ ~dlS" .{I.lI.52J .Ii ?-51 /- R'F ;1,/1"7 1f/f?5 ~.:?.'" ;C?3.< 2a. 7$~", .:l# r:J 9~5'1J /,;:;q; /3~?o ~ J. . ",,:1Ir. b- --'JL// ~ /fi5P~ b.SZ:J I ",.!1 'u.c: 11/ - 7T~-----;;;7 3ftJ"$ / 'IfJJ6 ,.1.S;(N' ~43o 7k " 7 ,;j 00 9.47 ' n~/_ 0 /770 tj05'30 .'7.4- . .zR C~'_M ..p. 6U,_ ~'(/"J"l1 ~IIII 7!? 3R 7b() --<9-- 5'<5'760 Ji.. " '-/00 '7,6/ - !S,b! ~j(J ~87C 71 -SEe; .;:;:// 5/1 g $;,L5 Z58f5 LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. ......21 20 3 ~) ~4; i/.6tffiI7]QJ /T .t 7 f G t L t I. ~F""" '" .'. . "~'" /'1' ra-c 0 ov 0 '* _..!o.;,'--~"'_"~.J01..-.":.;.<<_ ~.. '~J."l: ((J 0/-6/ RGE. , -~ '" . ...... Formerly: Tracts 6A &; 7 of Govt Lot 4 &; T.L~ "'-----'Vi Tr. 7: Bgn at a pnt on the See line 176.iG' E of a concrete post marking t:~e 50.. corner of Lot 4 see 21 Twp 20 N It 3 W Thn N 40 22' W864.58' to the MIl Thn S 71030' kon the ML160.38. ThnN 79054' E on the 1.1L 249.83' L Thn S 40 22' E 871.80' to the sec~~ne Thn N 87054' Won the see line 398.90'to the place bgn containing 7.68 acres and being a part 'of said lot 4 T 20N R 3W the W boundary line of the above described tract being the E boundary line of the W 175' of said Lot 4 as appears in vol 33D pages 38-39 records in the office of the Co rtuditor of Mason Co State of Wash. ~lso all tide lands on the N lying adjacent to and abutting the above desc 7.68 Acres tract being bounded on the E and W by the unbroken ex- tended side lines of said 7.68 acres tract elEe~Il ~ El 15' Tr. 6-A: Beg at a point on S boundary line of Lot 4, 175' E of SW corner of said Lot 4; th N parallel with W line 'of Lot 4, a distance of 616.51. th Wly to a point on W line of Lot'4, 597' N of SW corner of Lot 4; th'S along W line of Lot 4, 597' to SW corner of Lot 4; th E along S line of Lot 4 175' to I.P. ~ ~~ sht.J.lj frjw fJJ ID I ~ ~ ~cta;; ~. ~mud-v.rrwtyJ .hj- acO #:3bO/bD --:. -, . ..... --~._.~, .:-=-------.:. * U 7j{, 10 Gr tf- (. r# n6ri61~r-' ~,€E 4Fd ~(,<I'111 Ft>/2. N'"e'"", i)~$(!/Z;~r;"oN' The S 382.55' of the 1{ 575' as measured along the S section line oJ,'G.L. ':., 21-20-3 W,W.M., in Mason County, Wa. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that ptn conveyed to Neil E. Peggar et ux, et al, by deed dated Feb. 4, 1982 & recorded Feb. 8, 1982 A.F.#40010S AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM rd rights-of-ways. =J l . -NUMBER OF ACRES IJ-+H+tl -:-~. VALUATIONS Vear 1 Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved I TOTAL r I Oyster Timb.r Unimproved Improved ImproyemQnfs J B. of E. {Buildinql) VALUE n ---- -- 6/1 .5JI b?o8'~o CJ ...< <::1 I'f"o 11 . ').,j jf/-t;J - - -- - -- -, - - -- -- 1----- -,--- -_.- - I -, .--- --- -- 1___- ~--- - ---,- --- -- - ,==l __n_ 1------ ---- ---- - - ~--- 1-, - r---' --- , - I i I I i I 1 ~-I'O