HomeMy WebLinkAbout320214190030 V..r Flit No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /'7/ SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port PUO FPO - - - - - .2L v. Grant IUlPett 1 W S 3 .1.. SF /0.- ~ ./ //, A r:- /. / f0d 2 ;;1 5.. L- fL ,CPA) ~ CF5157 Mary S. Impett Estate 1/770J7 (Genevi eve M,) 1D6U 1/82 399790 JoseDh W. Ingham Jr. et ux - $55000 - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ! ,5,/? #/70 ,~. -. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS , - Yu, Oy,tt, Tlmbtr UnlmDrovllo Improved TOTAL OJ'ler Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B. of E. (Bulldlng1) VALUE 53 S.oo 5',00 .;:?oo 50 .7<50 ~ S,OO .5',00 ;;2,00 .;< 00 - _>)7 3.3SX ~. +!.oo /.00 .5: (JO .qo /50 So '--10 ~70 k .=?3.:J -I. tJ. L/ 00 ;.00 5,00 --G-- 40 / () '/'0 I/o //;;<0 (,:,/ 3.33 ;. .~ tjo-v /.t>V s: trD 70 /t:' !Io /5s /~3S- ~ 10 /1}) 4167 Po //ti;t; IU .TJ ~ /...:::J'dtJ /LfJ,(!) /"yC.o ~ 'a.~R. (P. 2..(jjJ-() j,g-(f)) ~,t)O ;s.s-- /3tJO /~3.5" ' .tP . /,()~ Lj."fiO /I';,()(} ~ -Wa:A /ALJ. //4ha ~ @% ?~ .f) e~ R.!5iJ:J.~ ~~ ;J.35' -~~ /~dn /Il!f%;. "";/. //,. 22 I~~ ~'-I/h " 741 /.Lh 3''''-- ;f~&>qo .5J!;,r..:H'LJ d> 10 3/7D 0 .;? 5o{.o st; -;r; 0 78' 3.-35 .3 3.5 1-f75'7(J 37 7rjL YC?'&:C '--'"tOT ~- ;o8l-K. SEC. TWN. .., RaE. <'1 ::>0 1 Tract 1 of Govt T,ot 3 ' /<-/, /< ;/, Formerly: Tr. 11 of Lot 3 & Tax 1226 .....B'eg-at~SWly corner of Lot 3, said point ~eil}g.o-intersection of lot line and .. meander line-of-Pugej;...Sound; th.'dueN..acl:9ng W line of Lot 3, 1040'; th E at right angles a distance 'q~og-I't:' yh due S and parallel to W line of Lot 3 to meander lin~:...9.f..J~ugee-Sound; th W1Y'-along_me:'-l~r line to 1. P. ~__ 1/' -----~ T a~ 12~Kpp 11237 J::)( /'f .2./0 _ __' _ . _' __ _ .::.: ~ - ~",!nd.s-2f_Znd..class~1n~frent"of' W 208' ot Lot 3. ~.;,~ - NOW-Tract~[)-0,t-Sh0r*--P,lat- #.~7G-:- -BeginJling at the SWly corner of Lot 3, 21-20-3W.W.M.; sd point being the intEl,Cseeti'on of sd lotl1ne and"the"meander_1 ine of Puget Sound; th due N algjhe'W-TiMof sd Lot 3, a distance of 1040'; th E atrTgtif'angles-a:d,is-tance:orZ08'; th due S & para II e I to sd W line of sd Lot 3 to _the"meanderl i ne of PugetSound;th-IHy-aig-sL meander line to the POB; _-' - EXCEPTING therefrom"the N 420'; ..D<GE:P'f-pUbI ic roads, if any. 7/i.)) SiP''# /70 <2.ommenc i ng at the SW I Y corner of L t 3, sd po i nt be i ng the intersect ion of the, W line thereof with the meander I ine of Puget Sound; th N, alg sd W line Govt Lt 3, 240.98' to POB; th continue N, alg sd W line, 373.59' to the SW corner of Tr C of SP#170, recorded under AF#305965; th E, alg the S I ine of sd Tr C, 208'; th S, paral lei to sd W 1 ine of sd Govt Lt 3, tap N 710 37' 42" E of POB; th S 710 37' 42" W 2i5' +- to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom the W 20' as reserved for r/w for Parkway Blvd & excepting therefrom road r i ghts-Qf-way. ~ --!UAV-t..lj. 1/2--2.-a -------~ -- -- .~ --~. ~ .", -' .... - -- /:,<,',~SGL~ e. ex " T/Z.S6 7, g It In" /:7.:zc.tF"'- ,.Q/ / '; /;?:;z.,:, -11 .4J /~ 7c.. /.7;<6-L? ~ . I-LLI I_I -e- -L- NUMBER OF ACRES 1 VALUATIONS Year I Orster nmber Unlmpro.,ed Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. {Buildio'ilil VALUE 11- f--' 5r'~ .t.'?;:? .z~5 467$ 377 EJ5 8'{L4~o S'/ 15,q,c, /.4Z /, 4- 2- 7.5t? 311"S .?,fI/-..55 n '1/.)176 SS7at:} (,.'l-7ao -- f--- - - -- - -- - -'- ---- - - --,--- "'---- --- -- - - ----- - _I