HomeMy WebLinkAbout320213170670 Ya, FII, No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRIC6 Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPO -----5Z. Wilbert Catto ;>; IJI2 S l .lh ~ 17 :J~~:/~~L~)- /if lu ~ --!i -L ..Ji y~ 7 /7tJspr:; ..L .:2. 3815','1. - - /7 Y<:VO'o j.q: 7d- IQ tZ1f.J! - - - - - - -r; 1'.Pro rr'l. :25/'f~'" #Jl 2, /7 A' / A) /_ /V - - - - e-- - 1'- - - - - '%'.G" t/tkI. '?<?!? -//_~ ,1:- 4: /1 .- (') 'R"' 1- >JI) f/:c,/o J. / - - - - ~-""'.-w 'f'lI - ;,' - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - ,- - - -.' ~ - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -;; - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -_..: - ~ -- - - - -:: - - - ~- - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - --= -~:;; _::..:~:'.- -- .... _.........-~ - ..... ~ ..~' ~. ".. ~ . . "- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B. 01 E. (Buildings) VALUE .liJ '-Ie) </0 & 24 ~ .b@ .5':cJ 2Il. /'A:' ~ /t?() /IM 1!L /~t?, ~ 41ft} ~tJtJ , ..& d.CJO ~oc) .2L 0<0/' .;:(c;D yt ,;{ 00 c:i C! d - LOT BLK. .71-JI,...,.-11 Il,--t "7!'j( ~ SEC. TWH. ROE. ?1 ?O 'I 'f..L. Lot ?fqp,_/t' /roc~' TL Lot 267 - That portion of Tr B of the Supplemental Map of Shelton shown on the official map of said TL on file in the Office of Public Lands, at ,Olympia, Washing~on, lying between the of Tracts 18 and 19 Alder Creek Tracts. , _:-,Y'.~._____ ---- - - -- ~---._""_.._....,-_.. ,- --..-.. Tide'~ands, as of the Commissioner produced side lines <~_._---~..' ~!' . .. - Y.ar AfUCl. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICE Rd. 6oh. Port PUO FPO 57 11067 ) - - - - - - T,T Q ,.,,~ J,J ., ~ M. . ~ ----.s --3-- ~- ---L- . v' P- 4/b/,f-/ .iuL Or}- rf-<J! r / - - t.~. b;,2 t /0 ga' ) ()--, //A d L_.J) .-/-;. ,/ I tI tl / - - / - - - I-- - - - I-- - - - - I-- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --...-e,-------------- ~.., . __~~__n ---- -- --- -- --- ----- -- --- _ _ ---- _ --e- --- .~ ..... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V,ar Oydtr Tlm~r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved Improvemenh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 6-g' do .;(0 ~ ..ILfJ I-." ~,G c:?~ ~ /..1 ' .c,.C --'-- - /1 - c/ (,J. -Ii JIll".. / '(.~f.'~ r-;;~ ., ~ , SEC. TWN. RGE. LOT BLK. " 21 ~~.- 20 j T. L. LOT 267-A /' / T. L. Adj. :E: jj;j M -asi. 19$ Alder Creek TRs. .-e,--- -, - -' --.-- " e-----