HomeMy WebLinkAbout320193190080 Vear File No "1--. NAME of OWNER 308285 ~~!,_~O~2 Gladys A. Angle j5__~2219_~lass. Forest 1.2/7' ....2Q~789 B.M.&M. Comnanv 1217' ;087<lO Kenneth .W. Frank et ux , .3~ 1.51'( ------,---- .- CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1..$ /f Rd. S,h. I!,,,rt PUD FPD I I SALE PRICE IB.M.&M. Compen; 3 309 S 3 L H #1879. tl tI n 3 301 5 13 II r^ L f.\ :3oO'D !f / 701.s 3 r{. L Ff $~~6tltl5 -I-. . =---:-- ,--- -:.;;;.----_-:-~ ---. Y." I 0".., NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA TIONS TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improve mInt. II. of E. (Buildln9s) VALUE 75 .81 .81 (,cJ 00 76> 00 00 12 R,~ ,.,.--1 l:l no ;;;z.CM . ~, , ~I ,(( I /;;).00 I~()o rj<J /d/J C) /0< ~ CJ - -- - .- --- --... -, I - i LOT SEe. BLK. lWN. RGE. lq 20 3 Tract 8 of NW SW ...... ~ "~-, 1t;~1() .." (Tract A of Short Plat #193, AF# 308728) All that ptn of NW SW 19-20-3W.W.M., dafl fommencing at the SW corner of Blk 6A, Angleside Addn. #2 recorded in Vol. 2 of Plats, page 40; th SOlo 20' Wal8 the extended W line of sd Blk 6A 60.00'; th N 880 40' W 300.00' + - to the extended E line of 13th St., sd Angleside Addn #2; th SOlo 20' W alg the sd extended E line of 13th St. 210.00' to the SW corner of a tract of land conveyed to Kenneth W. Prank & wf by deed recorded under AF#2l7664 and the TPOB; continuing th SOlo 20' W alg the extended E line of 13th St. 100.00'; th S 880 40' E parallel with the S line of ad Frank tr 350' + - to the W boundary of Angleside Addn.:recorded ,i~,Vol. 1 of Plats, pg 25; th Nly alg sd W boundary line of Angleside Addn 100' + - to the SE corner of a tract conveyed to Albert M. Hughes and wf under AF#190676; th N 880 40' W alg the S line and the S line extended of sd Hughes tr 350' + - to the sd SW corner of Yr&Dk tr and the TPOB; EXCEPT public roads, if any. ...- I . .. Vllr FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACL TO DISTRICTS /_c:- 0 SALE PRice ~:~~~* #1'1' Rd, Ioh. Port PUD 1 FPD - -- --2l.. Angle. J. Eber et ux ~ 10Q S 1 _..1. S'P -{It=-- ~ 11~ ;US 1(3. In. ~ JJ7 th /r7? 'If}. J. /J /j _7: / " ..7.-2- -J" c).7 I' 1":- jo'3;;3J'O -Ri"w FCl:' ~1~fJ () 11 3 7,tJq 5 ..3 1(, L J1 - - 1-- - - I- - - f- I- - - - - - - - I-- -I ....,.1~;., ,~'" "",,~~'.J ...,-..~ o.'"",-,c,-o ._______...__._""___.______-____~ ~~""V '. li,f.~.... '.' , , '" '., ~'~M. ' ______..._____.........__~ .............._....__...._.__ ________ _~....-;: )_~'C:>_~ , ~ ~ ' .... ~, ...." * .. ~..... - . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Y..r aytttr Tlmb.r Unlmprovtd Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmblt Unimproved l",pfOved Ilmprovementt B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ~~ ':!,1/.~7 .31,37 .3~ ~~cJ 5'1 3I/,.),j J7'.:Jff' 36-0 J .s- CJ ~ ~ /j',i~ j?~O ~ ~ ~A5d ~ ~ ~~ ~~ 48t:J~ 41.3IJCJ 22. $~Io- 1JJJ'CP 24 e~ - ,/_-- ~qR.;!CJ '7d ~% - tt.!ff'o M'h ~ 1>(,;' FOREST- I~:?o .:?~,3)fJ .;:l4tJ~ , 84.33 , , ...2t" d(Pf"~ e:Jt#-s- rL R.p .,.. .fI-re_ )J 2ft 1...25. :J.. (ll.-;J.~ '!'i (-;+- ~+-. /...,....... , /~,,~' / ~ ~ ~ j / , /, '< - LOT BLK. SEC. TWN, ;~ 19, 20 RGE. TTTl ~ 1 : \ l'TT1] I. . 'I'r. 1 of SW SW & SE SW (Vac.por. f .' ~ of Seattle Svnd~cate 3 Blocks 14 to 23~ inc1usive~ Blocks 50 to 59~ inclusive, Seattle Syndicate Addn. to Shelton, including the streets and alleys included therein and adjacent thereto, said Blocks and Streets and Alleys comprising a part of the said Seattle Syndicate Addn. lying outside the Oi ty of Sill 1 ton, Wash'. ~)(. L" rs ,I.) 4- /'1 CUI[, /"1' r V"c." te.l "'/oV/' ~c / 'Y -i 1/')' n'J/, ,..."'. ..,... -----. . /'It..... .~ ,..~- . " .....-'~"' , ( -, ). " ; .-. /~ / " f < / Jo/" ---