HomeMy WebLinkAbout320184200090 I DISTRICTS /3/ Year Fila No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE 391-. oc:;-/? C>L) Rd. Sch, portl~'~ ~ - .....5.l.. 150745 Paul F. Marshall et ux 1 30'1 <; .3 ~ 1S'';:<170 J~pb (?~4~>/JtA"n , - - - - .5'J It, IJ-J.? 1{/a/;/;"I<! ~ I/.:a:r; d: n-/ -' ,,", ' - - /~.7.5t1~~ -.iL ItUt?1 1/.uv / /~Ld I-- 1Jt,IA oE/s--1 -!136D ~ - - - - .id- ;23.3("s4 // /, // / ..Q. ~ .!!. L II ti/71377JV,' - - - I-- - - - - , - - - -- - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .~.._ "00', ----' ----- - r ..,.. , ~, . " . -' -.-'..". -------__________...___ ":1"__ . ., ..."...... .........~ ."<-- ~.. --'l;',. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS VII' Oy.hir Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder TImber I U,lmp"".d Improved lmprovemcnta B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VAL.UE ob-:3 ,01 ,01 /0 /0 57 , i?/ . /! / Sf) ,j'd i~ - d~ ~t:J b.< rs:.e ,// .// I' -701 76 :ffL ./1 /// M~ ~ I/j'~ /{la 1!L /~~ ~?o ~6 2f ;260 ;;:;g() L. . II oil ;J. ,f {) . ,;{f'O .1!L .11 .1/ .:<?o ';N? 0 , , lOT BLK. SEC. TWN, i.~v. Ie 20 - RGE. 3 Tract 9 of 1'J1..'i' SE I I."~~#' Beginning at SE corner of Tr. lA of Schulz Add, S ,88048'46"-E along N line of James Drive 4'; thence NWly to NE corner of Tr. lA; .. thence S Pll'14" W along Eline ofTr. lA,- 95' more"or less, to point of beginning. ~-"- Formerly: Tract )2-C of mi SE CORRECTED DESCRIPTION: Beg at NE corner of Tr. lA of Scrultz Add; th N 1011'14" E 20'; th S 880 48'46" E 4'; th S 1011'14" W lIS', more or less, to N line of James Drive in Schultz Add; th N 88048'46" W 4' to SE corner of Tr. lA of Schultz Add; th N 1011'14" E, along E line of Tract lA, 95' to I.P, AlSO: Conunencing at the NE corner of Tract lA of Schultz Add; thence N 1011'14" E 20' to 1. P.; thence;; 88048'46" Iv 40', mOre or less, to E line of Schultz Second Add; thence N lOll' 14" E, along E line of said Plat of Schultz Second Add, 100'; ,thence S 88048'46" E 44'; thence S 1011'14" W 100'; thence N 88048'46" W 4', more or less, to 1.P. -.,.. ---- ................ ." :r ~.;;;-