HomeMy WebLinkAbout320184200060 V.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.31 SALE PRICE! ~ ~n/, @(? 4/03fS-cl' Rd, Soh, Port PUD FPD ?tXfiJ - - .-%: ":0'1 !--~, Bernhard Winiecki 0./1 t..v>C 1 :S09 s .2..... L S P - I I 2d ,5 ~ ILL L Ii. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..--'- - - - - ,----.~-- - . ~--.-J'A --.-----,.-......-.-- -. --.-~--- - ---------.-- --------:-.-:-:::...---~,.,--Qr ., NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvement. B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 21 5; /..3 5/-.3 ..7.3 cJ .3/'" cJ 3.i.icJ 6'.3 6'/7.- -5: 'I ?-- .:?.:<o 3/00 33;2-0 ~ 4, f ;1. / .?-;;J';;" d;;2c) -50 .3/00 3370 512- << 9'0 / 590 ..:2/CJ .::J7J. 3/0() l3'310 ..2k 4. <I L/ lOb .:r t/ jL //0 $d' 3/00 3.1&0 k ,// /) .60 ;5/,1 '1' S ~6,$' 5' a,t/- ifdll /,.tt}rJ S;;</ ,t;~ .5?JJ ,q495 f- '">/ ",r ~r C,()() 35! ()' 4'//0 ~flo - ~ .-d? -:?' 52Y /11 tJ . ~4J ~rC75 'Ik, Z 41.// Id/a .5:.J1 ~40 /I/t; SSlS (,(.{;e {;f ;;{ r,f5 I, tU) 3.,d'S;- 4)&~ 4/10 S5J5" ~7'o jf[ 3M , &.:ss5' . d,~,;2. /'07f1) '36;l /./;/ IJJ .5?;/f'C) ~ , 5d* ///'#'d1 /f/5 c:> 1//60 /10$io - :JIll , /1/fD /.l/..Q),' 1/ .f/Sf/< ///~~ . 'I,? /k /.. I't::: /.1l1(} ';;;,f'C /~-?tP. /fl's-u //5~ I~G: LOT ~LK. : (.;J S-';,,;,>~ . SEC. TWN. RGE. ~ ~lfl;2'I):Qam ,18 . 20 3 Tract 6 of I'lVi SE :8x., 6-A //""/./ " Formerly: Tract 32 af N~ SE ex. Tracts 32A-E Beginning at the Southeast corner of the NWt of the SEt of Sec. 18, ~vp. 20 N. Range 3 West WM. which corner is marked by an iron pipe; thence run West along the South line of said NW~ of SE~, 650 feet, to the Southeast corner of the land hereby conveyed, and the initial point of this descrip- tion, thence West along the South line of said NWt of SE! 190 feet to a point; thence North parallel to the East line of said NWt of SE~ 400 ft; thence turning 900 to the left and running West 40 feet to a point; thence turning 900 to the right and running North, parallel with the East line of said Nwt of SEt, 920 feet, more or less, to the North line of said NW~ of SEl to a ooint thereon 880 feet West of the Northeast cyrner of the said NW* of SE~; thence East along the North line of said ~N* of S.Et, 230 feft to a foint thereon; thence South parallel wi th the East line of said N\"u of SE*, 1320 feet more or less to point of beginning, subject to existing public road Rights of way Expect present Tracts_7-10 & Tr. 32-A assessed in Schultz 2nd Add. 9" --?,z. deu. ~ j&-d:;a: ,;<;/1/0 oS -#Jd- 6'6-3, /V.0 /~ _/1'n_;!/U ,t,!~ ,(;.1. ?;3,f ?h,t.~e.J ALSO: ' Beginning at the center of section 18; run thence S 87020'58" E along Nly boundary of NW SE a distance of 669.87'to loP.; thence continue S 878.20'58" E a distance of 95.12'; thence S 0012'06" E 205.58'; thence S 89047'54" W95'; thence N 0012'06" W 210.31' to I.P. containing .45 acres, more or less. 4/..:>0 ,tf';;CC!EPT 7/2 /5 /VNSE (/$_20-~ . ~ ~~.'- .--- ;~ -;J<.v. TFs7: .~ ~ tl ~~ .~- i-' _____.--:. ~_..."..-.._ ...__.r _.----=.= _e.",,-,~ .::219 - 7 J?..;J ~- -l-~- .'- mn+-tl=1- , --_.~. ~ .- -.._--~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Veer Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst.r Timb.r UnImproved Impro".d Im~ov.m.nts 8. of E. I uUdin;11 VALUE 7Q /,~S" /,~(!) . ~.'9'5' 100'% ....u/~ ~~t5 .:;;:!I (7 '10 ~J"I.!Jo 7C:; 5'1) '/6 ':<,/",10 .?9:.s-o ~ '7, C; 'J .:<1.s /S"OOO ;;. </91"0 7990() ~ /.137 /,37 J?t?dn 61/-'100 12940 iJ 1;;)'1 /,..::\"7 G. ,I. J:.dCloo 729t/.o fa 1300" f.., '1900 77900