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Yea' - File N(l. -r---~-._- NAME of OWNER
52 110736 Paul F. Barber
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1/7 266757
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D. H. Knudsen et ux
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Year Oruer Timbe, Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder limbe, Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E,
(BuildinQ$) VALUE
7h 9,S? 9,sl? ' J.J^ Ie 61 tJ
~/ 1/!Y'.ER6B $9;;- :5.95 ,;(Dg~6 ;!:I cd 30
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All th ptn of the following descr ppy lying NWly of the RR R/W descr as
Th part of Lt 1 of Sect. 17-20-31/, W,l.f., lying NEly of tr conveyed to
Ben G. Schumac~er., a widower by deed da 5/21/26 and recorded in Vol. 45
of Deeds, :Jage 362; EXCEPT therefrom tr conveyed to USA by deed dated
4/25/45 and recorded in Voltnne 93 of Deeds, page 122; EXCEPT therefrOl'1
tr to USA by deed dated 4/25/45 and recorded in Volume 93 of Deeds,
page 127.; EXCEPT tr conveyed to StAte of Wash, by deed dated 5/1/47 and
recorded in Vol. 109 of Deeds, page 205, ani except also public rds,'
if any. EXCEPT the following: All th ptn of Govt Lt 1 Sect:,<I7-20-3W,
W.~., descr as follows:
Beginning at the NW corn of sd Govt Lt 1; th S 324.87', M/L, to the NI/
corner of a certain 5.51 acre tr as convey by Shelton Est, to Ben G.
Schumacher by deed recorded 5/25/25, Vol. 45 of Deeds, page 362, records of
Mason Co, Wash,; th 5 510 00' E alg the NE line of sd tr 100' to the True
POB of this descript; nmning th NEly perpend to sd NE' ,line 330'; th SEly para to sd 1
NE line to the NWly R/W line of Railway as convey by warr deed to United States
Government 4/25/45; th SlHy alg sd railway R/W to NE line of sd 5.51 acre tr; th
Wly alg sd NE line of sd tr 460' j M/i., to True POB. EXCEPT also the following:
Beginning at NW corn of Govt Lt 1 sd sect; th S 000 17' 24" E 162.44' to the
true POB; th continue S 000 17' 24" E 162.43'; th S 500 56' 23" E 100.00';
th N 390 03' 37" E 200.00' j th in a NWly direction to the POB.
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