HomeMy WebLinkAbout320174100040 Ye., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I:~ SALE PRICE! Rd. Sob. Port PUDIFPD ~I 7, ---.5..5- 16054~ W. R. Patton I ..J'otJ .5 0' ,L ~ Itlorf .(J)dP,;' a;~..(/;--,~ L 11,:7Q s ::s S L }/ f-- ~ I&-I/(}o I? /'./,1" ',-/ Al /V/ /; (//1 - - - - - - --w,. iJli I=?M11/2 'Pi .:70.' . I?.. -;-. , h - / t-y-y ') ~ ,,/5(,-51 " 00 K;"'J.a~~. )j,{~ / ) - - - ~ 'IY775'5 ~ 93S?J' , 1';' /70'0" /1In - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .~.,,,,.,. --:, :-'_.- ...~I-' .' -"'",";,=-- --=-~-':"""'..:': - :"";' - :-";"~--_"-:':'~--;'''~1\:.~--- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Yetr O)'.t., Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oytter Tlmbt, I U,'mp...od Improved Ilmprovemenu B. of E. (Bulldlnll1) VALUE 5& ':!~ ) 20 ...:z.o - ,t5 J'lJ ;1.14 () tuo 52 .;:;S- ,,2.'5- 50 2/%0 ~;(3o 1&.. j:Jf'() I~I ff 0 311-"0 ~ 1~5:~ . A__ --.- -- 4f/5a "" ~ 'f2 ~~ .~5/1 .('45GJ t9aIJ 21- . /4~~ 67ho /df?aa J-?(/'ot'J .2f2. .. alCo ,/.f r..3 0 70.1'fl ~ )vS , "), 5:" 5 ()<f-{) 10 70 0 ))9'16 '11 e9{.,-:f,:t 5'7 5"10 ..::iiJO CJ 70 $co ...&- ' ;IS- ,;z~ SO',Lo ;(0"'0 70'/0 I LOT BLK. IEC. TWN. ROE. ~~ 117l{~/-o'L::)aJtlQl \ 17 20 3 Tract.4 of Govt Lot 1 II C;.:~ .' Forl%e.r1;l: rrra~6 of ~~v~ ~~t ~ ' I All tllat pea :COI 0 a act 0 III 0 e l.ereih!lfter de3CI :Loed, , eituated SEly of tHe U. S. Navy Railroad right of ',;ay and Ni'ily of a- I, line draml ]Klrallel ~:Hh aRa aistant 50', MWly meaElUrea :at Fight :mglco \ frolll the center lil'\c of saiEi hig;lmay. . 'l'L_l.~...L.~ef_u, ~."ubi"u....l tract of land~situated in Sec. 17-20-3, and described as follows: Beginning at the ~ corner between Sections 17 & 20; thence N 57.42'; thence N 42058' E 1509.44'; thence N 35045' E 536.58' to the initial point of this description; thence N 510 W 3', more or less to the W line of Lot 1 in Sec. 17; thence N along the W line of Lot 1 to the SWly corner of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to the Washington Refining Co.; thence SEly, along the Sly line of said Company's property, a distance of 742.34', more or less, to the government meander line; thence SW1y along the meander line to a point S 510 E 553', more or less, from the initial point; thence N 510 W 553', more or less, to the initial point. Except that Containing .25 acre. portion lyillg N\~ of Hailroad. '. .':.. ' -- ~---, - -- - --,- - - " - --------------"- ~..-- .- "c .-.'. -~' ,-- ~"'t. ' '. ~