HomeMy WebLinkAbout320170060020 DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Year File No. NAME 01 OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd. Sch. PM PU PPD Mason County OS(=yr ) NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved t m proved ImprOJements B. 01 E. (Buildings) VALUE .- ."'.,~. ~ 17- 20- 3 ~, ;-7.(1 bf;;.o;o:wJ CountY w . LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. Year f'1I. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /..31 SALE PRICE 19%/S~ !:/!.<) ile2AI , Rd. Soh. Port PUD PPD - - - - ~ 10870C Grace E. Govey l}. /J)Lt-t. 1 12QS s l L 4 Itt1.5y' Qru~ JI.. /J /,~ ,/ ./ - - - - IJJ ~~~ .~I// (j/ /n ~.kJ1 .1 , I "01 II L II #/5cP/S- ..6 ~ ~1j9 , iZL P/.a.....,4 '''l' J~ J2.,~ .. I-- / , ., , , , - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - ~~ - - I- - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - .---..-.. ''''''''::- . ,,)}....._--- - '" .,. ~~~~-~--------7--7~~-------~-~~--------~--:----~--~::~~~~~~--- . . .~ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Year Oyater Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvementa B.ofE. (BulldlnDs) VALUE -2.2 Un J,-r;-I /50 IS", .il /.5/ . /.SI ~ 'Yo ,';..3 /,SI /.S-I 70 9cJ t.{ 30 tfl ~ ~ - ~ ~....-- 3~S ~-, I'A Lf ~35' . II, .~~ - ~.s- 3.::!i5 Jl4 L"'0;90 ,?,? t!) A',i./?/? j)) _._an &~~ /1'6tP . ~ 1/....// 7</ 1,35 1..3~ I I. . '" ~ , " - , / LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ~__?O ...1 ,__Gov.t_Lot. 'i., IE. of Co. Rd. e)( ~ I 11,- " ~_.- 1 I ';......... -" ---~~----- ) / ,.. t-. - ~..- \ " Y.., RI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /$/ SALE PRICE Rd. ISch, I'ort IPUDIFPD I 69 J7tN31 Jay J. Abel et ux 1 309 S 3 11 L H . . . .- Y.., , o,.tv NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Tlmber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Untmproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE It'll ,~/ /../6 /.11'7 ?.o . - /OK'- /.:;;s ~ /4// ' ~'- QJ<9J: /~~. /S6~ .;( {,/,o ~ A~'/'/ - ;""-- ~.L;'~ Po 6C3o 7Lj , /@(J~, [.,96'13'0 ~~O ~6.0 ~.~ /'. 1/_4 d ~.. jJ ~ /:, . ....-. , F J _ ' /'" /,. .., -... -- , '- \ ",_~18 20...,_) Tract '1 of Govt Lot 5 & SW NE .--....- .-- lOT Bu(., SEC. TWN. RGE. //0 "'9 w 350' of N 200' of S 855' of SW NE, together with all that portion of Govt Lot 5 lying W of the above tract and between the Nand S line thereof extended W to Ely R/w line of existing County Road. ALSO: Beginning at a point on the E line of Govt Lot 5 where tt intersects the S line of a tract of land described as the W 350' of the N 200' of the S 855' of the SW NE; thence S 86054'03" E 350' to the SE corner of said tract; thence S 89000'14" W 349.56' to a point 25' S along the E line of Govt Lot 5, of the point of beginning; thence continuing S 89000 '14" w to the Ely R/W line of County~.Road; thence NWly along Ely R/W line to a point I'ffiich bears N 86054'03" W of point of beginning; thence S 86054'03" E along the S line of said tract of land to the E line of Govt Lot 5 & the point of beginning. EXCEPT: Beginning at a point on the E line of Govt Lot 5 where it intersects the N line of a tract of land described as the W 350' of the N 200' of the S 855' of the SW NE; thence S 86054'03" E 350' to the NE corner of said tract; thence S 89000'14" W 349.56' to a point 25' S of point of beginning; thence continuing S 89000'14" W to the Ely R/W line of County Road; thence NWly along the Ely R/W line to a point which bears N 86054'03" W of point of beginning; thence S 86054'03" E along the N line of said tract to the Eline of Govt Lot 5, the point of beginning. .,~ -~,~. '.~~ ~-~~''>>'~_.b:.._- .1