HomeMy WebLinkAbout320162290000 ria' FIl, No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I~':; SALE. PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD 109974 - - - - - - ----R 150877 Andrew Beil 1.- rI " 1 JQ2 ~ ..L .1.... ~ P fA (.. ~.h.n' A/(J ~ -- #.Y/,,/.5 ~ 'I-'IfYl'l7 /1/M .L S ~ "i' .k.. II OCeJ u 'SCuD IrYYJ - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^ ~~- _..~. ~ "'-- '... , _ --d"'". ~ . -. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.I' Old., 'lImb., Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved tmprovemenh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 5"3 3'100 ;3"/,06 ;?O{J /::'-0 3S-o sV ...)1/06 ;2.1/00 /;;?D - I;;? (j -- 5ii.. dl,oO ~t/,OO /;;<0 130 .;( S- 0 ":'-0 .),},. <17 ;';oG ;(3. <17 75 ~-o 130 .2 5"5 il n.'1J I,cc ;<3, tj 7 I~ () .50 1.3 0 .340 .liQ :U.<l7 1,00 ;J. 3.'17 .;( ;1 5 ;;;'0 /.30 .3 7 S- . k :<.:U'? 7 /.(k> .;1.347 ';<.;;i..~ ~ Iilo 3Ps tk ~ ~ ,;l !" A15 ///,." 41J1.G i-.!J lcuv I/';;b .:e~ /?.6 /..s:5~ if? IS: ~b /. /JB; /-: A/_ PIYO ~e:> /?5"' /,;)<:25" Jt!) -' ;;;:; 0/ / h 1711 6/f/.J S5Cl ~'4fSo 'iJ 14 , , #'l"/O 51'51 () - '/' t),t1 " f 7,,fJ / /. p-t} ~I ~ dlif<lio ?'d dJ) '3/~o I . I </..5:1J 31 {/O 0'C) , ~, 1,;;../ /. (J() , t. ;;;./ 3'-/()~tJ 3goo 376'.;).0 LOT BLK. SEC. TWH. .=IGE. 16 20 3 ~.241--od~101 Govt Lot 2* / , . I - 7"~, ~ 11"'-, ., , 1 (Tract A of Short Plat #1312) A tr of land in G::>vt Lt 2, l6-20-3W.W.M., daf: Comrencing at the SE corner of sd G::>vt Lt 2; th N 860 46J,'W alg the S line of sd G::>vt Lt 2, 243.02'; th N 602l'E 135' + - to the NW comer of a tr conveyed to Arlo Bradley by deed recorded under AP# 156117 and POB; th Wly to the NEly comer of a tr of land heretofore conveyed to Norval Bina et ux by deed recorded under AP# 156116; th N 46'5l"W alg the NEly line of sd Bina tr 271.02' + - to the Ely r/w line of U.S. Navy Railroad; th NEly alg the Ely line of sd railroad to the N line of sd Covt Lt 2; th Ely alg the N line of sd Covt Lt 2 to the NE comer of sd Covt Lt 2; th S 3058"W alg the E line of sd G::>vt Lt 2, 945.70'; th S 450 4l'w 356.10' + - to FOB; TG-< a perpetual easerrent for a roadway over and across G::>vt Lt 3, l6-2D-3W. to provide access to State Highway No. 9 as reserved in inst.nlrrent recorded 10-1-65 on Reel 24, Fr 532, under AP# 214234. .~ ~.~ *Ex. Trs. 1-3 & R/W &,) 5' ..hI.. i K i/uJ ~ u VALUATIONS I I I -::e --L . . -NUMBER OF ACRES I I t, pc} Year I . I I Improyemlnh I O. of E. Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timblf UnlmprOYlld Improved VALUE (Buildin..,,) iL 1.:v /.17 Ci t:1.I ;/,,:, (, 1.- ;;,.f/~() -e- .:<f?/,;;!,O ' -'./ ,..A..- 1------ -- ;0 3<fD;) 0 3 Roo ~12? 2..0 t.J... I. , , ;2.,!?1.;2.(J . _,!2Jl (..,.2. 0 - ~ 3</~:l (J 3200 37g~(j f1.3 ....2J, I J 00 f.-;/ , . . , ;I '/? (.:;0 -e- .d6" . t, .::1.1) 8~ 1~1~=JJ~ 121 6,t.S /'00 -7,(,5 3/3~5 3$00 3st:.i31> --- ~~ ~,S'''' [/, ,,-, -- .,- ---@- 2~/ji3S %!L t.6:::- . lo.Q. ..2. b s-:_ -, - .3/t3S 3/'00 3 S- t. 3.s- ~tI c'.b!>- /. tJ~ 7.(,,~ /' " l~r .:; 59!5" -e- 1.:<S'93$'" ",.,.1 )'~' ~ -~~.- r'--- --- -- - I~l,...ll.. 'l5 3/"835 ~."C>o [< V Jz~_ i? .:;' -~ /1.1/ ;{ ~ 3s""" ~ I...:1S9=-s-" ' '-' --- f-- 1-'-- S::,-e -e ~,.Q \d'-- ~1",-a_ )90001 ~--_.....: - r--- - ---- -- - --, I ----- ! I I - - - I