HomeMy WebLinkAbout320153300010 v.., I Ale N~. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I~O SALE ~RICE .d. Seh.IPort PUD fPD 3/72 272~14 Lstwrence A M.Johansson ~ ' #32544 Mattson et we 1 02 S ....L 1 H $1600 . Jt5' ,:<tf7c;1 "?1.J.tu :If I *'/2">0'1 :i;;; 8.701 (1 t3r-vti~ :r/. --"LA! ~71 ~~~~~c Ii :-1:.'/./&-.1). '.L. J - '" o;lC,$:7"43 5$/1" i/x 3.5'1 HA ffi. '/?,A. 'A 1_ t~ #~1{:2 77' ~-< ~~ 'fL /, J. .>J, t);; ),d..l J.. ( VP" E ) ~G-a.;j '7'7 , .::iO 7.:2 ? p~ V I lJ'23 lill.5 7'f '" '7'J)~ , /11. "Ill. A! ~ ~ ",..;- "',{ JL I"Lf) v - - ..~. -'--'------ ~= '- _.~_... .- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS - , 6,FO Y.ar Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~ ri:?dJ4, ,:;J, ~ 0 .stJo .S/1f9 -14' I/~.~, /c1tJO /~t1'O :& /;::'c')U / " 7'1< .2. ("in ':<,00 '-!-()/), I-fOoCl 83 $500 a'560 . I LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. .Go. 15 20 "3 ~"'1i3D.()ltJ.TJi5J Tracts1 of SW SW '/ , c-.. r Beginning at the interseotion of the oenterline of the Leeds Loop Road No. 136 with the W line of section 15; thence N along said W line 310'; thence E aD right angles to said W line 280'; thence S parallel with the W line of section 310', more or less, to the oenterline of Leeds Loop Road No. 136; thence W along said oenterline to I.P. ~ - -- '""- III -.- ,~-~~~.;, -;::;- File No -r---. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS lotI SALE PRiCe Rd. 5th. If?" 'U'1.1 f'D I I -'324513 , f52921 ~ tlPfit e~gar: u D~. ,Ao I I~ --L- 111: .~ ...3. 'i I H 30000 1D/79 tJL~ -[.1 .; Dri/PzMm/J~~-! . ~a?8 . (/ J --' . c - - - - - ---_._- ---. . -, -- r------' -,- r- ... .. -.. '~. ........- ~---- . .... ..,.. ~. U NUMBER OF ACRES ......... . . ~ -L. I I .." ~. VALUATIONS Year r -- I Unimproyed I Impro".monh 8. of E. Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Order limber Improved (Building,) VALUe 2l -- /0,00 /O,{)() beet' -'I?;>t..... ItY780 7g /tJ.(}t) /O.del 11..5 00, XfJ.'f.5 115c;_~ Ji. S~E . ,t:tgc. 0 '3~ 10.8 //500 //SI'lCJ 5'2- -P- 0 +-- .J :-~ - !~ )5,;~ - r: / -.I. 0,," 'R/f"er"---I :. - ~A.1;~ I , -- -- _..- --- - - - -- - ..,._LS_20_;3 Tr::asLf'_c:>U!_?\V_ lor BLK. SEC. TWN. OGE. SI I/.'S -r''! The south 660 feet of the west 660 feet of the fol lowing described property: The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter and the west quarter of the southeast quarter of said southwest quarter of Section 15; Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.m., in Mason County, Washington; EXCEPTING therefrom the west half of the west haif of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 15; EXCEPTING therefrom county road known as Leeds Loop Road along the south boundary. 1..- - ". -_._~~.. .... "... =-------:"--=-""" ~~~ .,_. deLl; ~m ~t;Y-.J (),O, 5. J ~~ p.~'''> I ,