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Y'" File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /90 SALE PRICE Rd. Ioh. Port PUD FPD - - - - 64 ~,~}~; George M. Brewer, Jr. 1 401 s l L #221'56 /;1, ~~"t7 ~~, M_ AU'" / ~J. 5 ;;3 S- l..- f-! ~ ~OJ.?J7/ '( . FOREST D~W~ ~ 1'tl(!f{;- - ~ ~gb7 lat 9. rIf. -1 I. ;, ~. ~ - *~~3 %.;:t tJDrJ~R2 ~ E ;;!,;'A')-"'-1{(f-v.", Or ) 4 DCYL::> . t? ~7?7/~ WoC! ,. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..; ~. NUMBER OF ACRES r VALUATIONS 6eo Yo.. OJ".r Timber UnImproved Improvtd TOTAL OJ,ler TImber UnImproved Improved Improy'me"h B.otE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE -'4 / t.,1() /6.00 100 / tM & ~/) /dlS- --- ~ is/.. ML /"'tJtJ /~(J'{) ~ - "" "- !!:2 Z ~,p~tJ ~a6 Z2,. ..f'~o ~.;;l(f) /S7r '- Ida~~ Z2. 9't? /tf.l/5 /9.35 71/ /.1&% - 3690 3610 75. liLAS5. l" 3., .;ltf) Jf~ S7tJ S?/-J RC 84.33 7c' ~ &,-":j{) tJl') 12 -770 770 7t - " 1\4"'.": $los- t? O.C) 79 .,ii";",.".,,, .'v'-::'..., &.;1,0 ffr;}.D 779rJi c./ //70 33 _;,r/. - - Flhl. fJO /9.:?do I I I I 15 20 .1 ~~D;~" Govt Lot 4 ex W 400' . & part p atted<tTr!' // ~~ LOT BLK. lEe. TWH. RGE.