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DISTRICTS I"~ , Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ' . SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. '0" PUD "D I - 61 20015B Georl!e Nicolai et ux Irma H.Smith 1 02 S 11 L H 66 F'2'22140 Irma H. Smith -I- I~, ::, .~ e;- LI/ #5112 66 222ll..2 n II A.H.Kirbv ~';"~O qj,J. J..Ilj /, /. q ad I-f/!4J i/ ;f;jjJ-~ ,el~<~ ;;/n ?, ~ L:j.)J.j LJ p !/ J J. !-:"Lr-. ' /_,;)1. ~ IG,;" ";16-27 'I 11~ 3.!J-SJ'1J 'Pt/.-. /tlJo { ~~_~~ 7t? hi .1 ,i) 1~1!. # R "'",1,77f "'~ 300"",,' :..' 7ko 31'1''1'; h Ih~,.t ilXAh1 1,1, , 1./" u " j" ~ t/(,"'oo b.:?.S'l f't!q,j '';i 39(,,/ (p 7 (/ I" #- 757'13 '&', " " w.o. "'''' U"CA./( => I I .. - , .. ..,...." ". . "',. - ...,-.~ - -". .' .~,~,.. ..,- I NUMBER OF ACRES U VALUATIONS ~.tO Year I Orster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I I OY$ter TImber Unimproved Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Building$) VALUE In- / tJ,OO /tJ,OO /~O /':;'0 !d /90 /90 IPf- 5.00 C:,oo 9~- 7'5 tl^ ,;J $''7' n /.20 /,';2.0 tl . 4', !)!) - ./), IJ /) -'I-'Y /J -"/ NO 7A L-s -;% 5?'YtJ ,'18't'1 n /;;S() /cZ,!;,o 11/ /.4-,,',7,; ,;; 5'd 0 .::l<"',..,/l , )0 37571 ">'7<;,) 7>1 _Li.o 0 5.n'" , 7':::0" 7.5" 0 d ~ 15' OOD JS"O<!JO ~ .... LOT BLK. , .~~ lWN. RGE. '0 1 ~~ n~34c~ O'Q:DUJ/J. 1I'J. ",j. w! SW C,li' . .i?7.:J(' ..- .../ ;t ~ ~ ,",~ . --. --- ------..... ___~_____.a~_ ~,.. - _~/3'.o'1r d~ otto :J,{: ~f. &kh~ dvu,a,. '-\4' ~ o tJ r Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRAC1 10 DISTRICTS I 91 R~ :~r~ PUD =~ ~ .L zi2. -2.5:. L ~ SALE PRICEl -SZl~19.7~' :...Jl..J,; . Mc~Oowatl., Eb:. Ux. ~/h'fj'1~ '11, tf)71S r CJ..u.n!J,A.) 1;;1 _ A'J",,__ ~ /9'//'/ZI;"- ".._ ~ frl)J. n . -efl, ~ _J_J_j9.f2cr " U " .' '[4>'L II JrJ. .,J,<.,,- I __1-_ fL!L ;?t'#I.5/' .. fl. ;C/l.m"O (JL.._I- _ ~~/'jff~- #..7/ ;0//01. ,_7r'ft J " C ,6s-l1 /,1.f7~ c;h,_ " Cl. //.;, j1" III /J // 7 I ;(% 9fh ~ -,!I t' (/ "'11& I ./ ^ :. n A 7/ ,l51.'l.5'? 1..../. , ~t;l#- cI'.. ,~ 's;rJfL . LL l2.f)fj z. / / ..-.:b?'77J J() -k _ l/ 1.. 0. -;!t ",';lP? ./ _ .LJ' "'""bY ;j 7'..,J'i<,:} .-- ------ 0' c. . ... .-..". ..... ..... ~.. . .0.' ~..' , r_t-, --=:-~.:.:..:~_::-:*~.,,-_...- ,_ ~'f .......... - - - '"'" -.... ----..... .---=-...... -_........ - - - - _.- =-- -... ----- = - - - -... ""-.......-- - ~ - --- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V..r OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyste, Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements 8.ofE. (Bulldlr'!01) VALUE 5P 2.~7 ,/, t/ 7 .5'0 /,f() df!O k c:l. tf7 ;;/.1-/- 7 /00 L/;;).S S-;;J.~ ~ /dO &'00 7"'0 , S'.% ,/~'i c) $'75 /~!# /..2.5 ~ , ..5tJtJ 7.51) /';:.5 tJ //; /:J'1 /,,;/7 ;< 5'0 I? h/) 9/1') , k ..- ~,() /33-" / :? 30 '7, ~ Z2. '7_.1& , ....e. 5tH) /~) /5~ 3 <::>cJ 0 '~?.J cJ 1L 750' 7,-<;'("1 Z!L /,HJ~ ;,:;-,. " jc..-n E //()() 1/<'/ J , J. ;27 .2Z /,;;21 17PtJ J 7' J 83 3d. 0-0 3d. "'0 l'f , h, ., ( f..<'-'.II .J ~ <S'tJ1 ~C ~ - ...J,.y'" , LOT BlK. . 1 r , i-r-1"'''' SEC. TWN. RGE. J ~J CD , , ~ , , - ,J1- 20 -1 ,.' - Tr,"'ct. l' ~of SW "S1:: ',- " / /" / 179 j) p- 334 Beg. at the intersection of the east line of the said sw Se and the N. r/w line of the Co. Hctj ~hn. W. along the N.r/w line of said Co. rd. 330 ft. ~hn. N. parallelwith the east line of said 40, 300ft. thn. NE. to a point on the east line of said SW SE 350 c:ft. N. of the point of Deg. Thn. S. along said E. l~ne _to t)1e po::nt ,of Beg. e.r a) /bS-/ .il!,&. ~.. "--.I'f"ilC':tf!t6<Y (;4:J:;.:J~' { ;J ~ "~~,. ,,~'vd--E S- o . \D "=" "."'. ~ ..2~'7 /C<7 - -- --..-'-- :L-..-