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-;::; I FU. No. -r---- NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /'11 SALE ~RICE Rd. 5ch. I P"rt PUD I fPD I I - 15 3tJ3;)(,/ I ~~ )1;T() I ) -I Hi If55807 d78 3l~135 ~~~ KreklolL. (sgl) 1 402 S 3 5 L $7500 REMO VED 3SQQ /I ~- -- -~._= . -..--.-. ---..-. - '------ - : ~-_., ~-~-~~.- ~ - -- - .'1:. . , -...~- -- _~__ __h__' . ..- 'f, " -. NUMBER OF ACRES I~ VALUATIONS .YC'J Year Orster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Timber Unimproved Improved ImproYemlnh 9. of E. (Buildingl) VALUE '71 5", ~ () s'. ~(J ~6() d.teJ 77 REM I)VED .3 000 300<:> ]X ~.-2. [gorY' ...5'. 0 0 -5'. 0 c.J 7~oa 31-(")0 II 10 D ~3 'f()CI ),oa S:CJ cJ 1~5tJO 390 (J 19'/-00 1--.- . ---- I-. -- -.- --- . -- f I - I I \ LOT BlK. : t;2.Y5;ti.6.}J!J n_~. SEC. lWN. OSE. , , , , ~ . _Jt, l';>~ fr, 12 20 3 ~ Tract 10 of Survey 3/100 --'" ':~,da , ' - /. " The wt of the NEt of the swt of the swi; also the NEl of the wi of the swi : of the swi of Sec l2-20-3W. W.M. EXCEPTING therefrom rd R/W; sd land also known and desc as Tr 10 of Survey recorded Nov 10, 1977 in Vol 3 Pg 100 AF #336510 ~ ~ ~~ ~/8CJ '. . ~..- ".. ~"r- -->.- V..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / 90 Rd. Soh. Porl PUD FPD - 1 402 sl:o; L SFP --L !iIJ2. ..s;d. 5" L /I- &ALE PRICE 10 ,r lJona.lU .ti. Vill]lS el; ux ~ ~ 7j~~ Lantz Wiss ~ ~:7;; '87 e, J . A. ~ ;~~)-tEsf~<<A ;&/A/, ~/,,/ .?X2:f) ---- ---1---- ------ .' ---- -~-- -.:..--- ----.:-- .:---- ------------~- -- --- ---___.: _ __ _ __ _ ___ _____.____"_____ _:!.r;; >_._. ..~ ,~ - . ,. '" " NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS > , Yoa. Oyster Timber Unimproved Improvod TOTAL 01.... Timber UnimproVed Improved Improvemenb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE H '--I-o,(} ) L/- (j,o, ,;;J. 00 ;2.0cJ 5l: 11/},,1 CJ 1{j"NJ 3CJ'" 300 5't' l-w?(/JO 40,00 ,R <I- 0 ';)"SLD -"- "! ".)" ~l :3tJl.~ ffI- ~,6tJ PjI5.uIJ ~ 1.2<'''d ~ Z2. ;6 ~ $I 1':;- ~if{j ~ DESIGNA PED ~-M II ff IJ y&gZJ ~ ~ /~~tJ /1f,5t:; .., . .. ~ - ~ ;;JdNJ ~. /frJ. Iii I#A~ :211 tJ tJ ~;p,/.1/J 7?o 3tJJ'o 3M'C lZ ~ ..3 7b 0 .3 71.. 0 18 39Af) 3'1~C lL -1000 J/tJoo 3c,ac) 3&,CJC; DO 3~N) 3Jl () lOT. eLK. } 1 l....,..~-~ 1 fl . SEe. TWN, ROE. _. ~2 20 3 SE sw DESIGNATED p/;!! r /'[ -? _r>_",-~ -.,::;....-- (?~/6;2.? -~ , f)la:,..