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Vur FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9 / SALE PRICEI 1)4061 Rd. IIoh. Port PUO FPO - - - - - -52... 1 "17q26 Harry P. Hamilton et ux 1 02 S 3 L /1155"'1 -2~ 18L..L..QO Lew~s A Kelle" et ux ..L l7ba1 .2 ..3. ,-: L i::L $1575 ~-- 1')-- , ,0 IY/ fl'u d / ff../ ,; I? /100 o/3f~ ':/",{}{/)'-,<{ - ~ ~7:J.'f'iiq M -/ ii, -r; ,J , -~ I'M -:~-!..;l!!o/ ~ ;<1.3;2/3 ~'y., J:' P , :J,P,) / " " :;ff' / 7 7" - - 'J:).:J,7:l,-/ ~~3,~ "''''''I- ~ S""V"3!?() , d,a~ tt ~ -!.:J/' 7 i 5.11. 'f3lJ/5I;;.s.,f, rk' C) 1I.-..'ll'-1 }f ,A ~A r /1 ~,.4 '""# '1""~~lT< 'hO " } ~Y:'16 ;et~- %'.z 1/o5'9f(" ~;J. ^-- j/A'L -::i. II J1f) "'k 7'1 '33Y 7%" - - - 1"#-, 10971.(- wn " " - W/j 4Cl:JD - - - - - - - - - - - - ." - - - - - - ~ , --,.., ...- ----"" 4&_ , ~ ' ~".--".,-""""" ......'" NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - I V..r Oysl.r Tlmb.r Unlmprovtd Improved TOTAL Order Tlmb.r Unimproved Improvtd Improvomllnb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE S3 $~<<J f<oo 4/'00 /.fo go So ;3/0 2L 1(",31/ ;/'00 .)0.31 go So - 7,5' ;lo~ S5 1 jp" 3 <I <J 00 ;!O.3</ 1- fio /.5"5" ::, Sf", I/' /'7 ~tiO /5./7 &0 SJo /,/-o 51 //'/7 r/OD /5'.1/ 130 ,pO ,;{ /0 /PI II, 11 ..ft.~ /5;17 /4>0 /00 dJ60 ~ "'- ~ /;,p ;;(tJ() I~ 3;:)~ /4. 1"7 /,IM /..~/7 .d/LJ ':;;5' tJ 4It:~ ~ ~ ,% ll-'1JA , ~tJiJ 9";;;dJ ,-; 15)'~ / tY<9t2 stDo Li /7t1-~% :[;IPC /t1~CJ '3/R~ ;16 I/z/. rl I, tI(J j",;' //1 b7/0 ~7/0 J.i.. / /7 70 //770 2L 5E4 c/.U~ (,00 5:t,L5' 3/J~ 3L/EO 8( 100:~,o n?oO d'-l13o LOT BLK. IEC. TWN. , n.) .I , , rS_,_ RGE. .~_ ,~ 12 ?O 3 Tract ~ of . S\1-N\1 ..... .' ~ " Y7'j"> .. Former Tr. 1 Ex. : sk SE NE lying E of Co. Rd. ex. N~ Nk-s~ Sec. 12 . S~ SW N\'i ex. N~ N~ S~. The S 1/2 of SW NW, 12-20-3 W,W.M, in Mason County, Washington. Excepting therefrom the N 1/4 Excepting, also, the E 880', Together with that part of the SE NE, 11-20-3, lying Ely of Co, Road known as Agate Rd & S of the N line of sd property in section 12 extended, ""', ". "- r Formerly Tract 3 of SE NE & Sl-J NH Sec 11 1;~,; I y ,,~. -'" ~ :; sv->....>.-> ~.. -..- ,.;.....i-...... ,A 'fo'i7&i- u ,: /I \~ ". t. {, 1./~l'/o,[,- b, vY/6: &'1-01'1 ,*fA.y ,J., ").-~,..:):-';"j, ,.. I ;:;( -'/ ~5 ;4../ (.41 ,IL ..-. -/, ' .. . I ,4,....,A #" 4/ /1 0 7 ':t- Sdl. 0,..1._ '-'7V "It ()U.;(A.f) ;J. 'Ii'JO/S~ S,y,. ~X;: 0!.11--~. (?" ./).~. -6CO'''',/J'o. ~~ , -I .s...:... ~a..;. ~ Kj 1''(7-'''' ~~"- <-f-yp..';;J =1 L -. n-I-j-'- I I ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I 1 VALUATIONS I . I",Rb . I -I I I Improvemenh I B. 01 E. reer Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL. Oyster Timber Unimproved Impro....d VALUE (SuildlnQ1' - t3 ,-/, :I 1- . I. ;2../ S. '15' 9.?S-o If 700 ':<7950 --.-- c---.- ~ - --.- - ---- ---- - - I ._--~- ._~-- -~-- f-- 1._.- - --- ----- -- .=1 - -'- --- ~ ~ . --- ----- -, ---- 1--' - -- - ---- -- ~ - -- I--- I ~._---- I _I I I