HomeMy WebLinkAbout320103100010 V.., FlI, No. NAME If OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 19'/ SALE PRICE Rd. Ioh. Port PUO FPO - - - - - 62 196151 Sound Mattress & Felt CO. WOO 1 +02 S ':l, t #19795 L /)0;] C; ~ ;;;- L- /I - - - - - I- - - - - - - -- - - I- ~ - - - - -- - - - - -I -~. :-e NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS :.~2 ~ v... 01"" Timber Ulllmprovlld Improftd TOTAL em... Tlmb., Unimproved Improved Imllrovemenb (BuildInGS) VALUE /',g :l J,oo .;{iJ, ~ () 11750 ) ?5b __ ~ .Ad $/6 ~e --- Rl'r~/", , - - kf '/fjylf ~",;a ~ t5tJ /Dlib (} $EIJ/!9 4tSZ & ~ . If[/? ,.;g-,;2& _G.t,4/L cy-)'~~ ~ 3/tJJ C;<tJ fJ-s ,t{ /-IM .'?L&€. - ~ #/9,{} ;;(c;95 bhdtJ - ~~ ~ &201':, - 7'/ fltJ Lq;Jod m?O 2J? / 73rtJ J 7..39'0 1L /f".7f ~n ,2300 i ,s=<tr <<.1; &;'?()::2.t; ,_ B IS3~/5 /.">.3&'/5 Y3 .tf3')t~o~' 6'7P/s /? 74'/5 M '1IJ.~!/~( 1~.g0 6.2.2 ZO,tJg ,f'(ttJ::!,O S~ZO I LOT BLK. lEe. TWH. ROE. ~~ill...~ Tract 1 of Govt Lot 6 -~ ;;1'"'" ",-'- ,. <If 10 20 3 Tract 1 of Govt Lot 6; Tract 1 of Govt Lot 7' Tract 1 of SE SE: That part of Lots 6, 7 and SE SE lying Wly ot following desc. line: Beginning at the SE corner of section 10; th N 86"lt7'11" W;L along line between sections 10 & 15 300'; th N 700W 1500'; th N ltlO 5, '54-" W 1302.4-1+'; th N 2oltO'lt3" E, parallel vlith E line of Govt Lot 6, 1351.99', more or less, to N line of Govt Lot 6; th N 86005' 51" \'/, along N line of Govt Lot b, to W line thereof EXCEPTING THEREFROM a tr of land in Govt Lt 6, 10-20-3W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the NW corner of sd Govt Lt 6; th S 86005' 51"E alg the N line of sd Govt Lt 6, 599.11' to the Ely line of a tr of land conveyed to Sound Mattress & Felt Co., by deed recorded 11-25-62 under AF# 196151; th S 20'lO''I3"W parallel with the E line of sd Govt Lt 6, '123.17'; th N 53011''I6"W 7'10.83' to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. (This tract becomes a permanent part of Tract 8 of Govt Lot 5, 10-20-3W.W.M.,per Director of General Services of Mason County) '-. -'''-' - ---;:-;:,-