HomeMy WebLinkAbout320102300030 - y';"j -Ale,NC'), '-r-u-~"-"-------N~ME of OWNER --- 98 I I 5 1()>7'-.. 9/79 CF{5028 E9rence Z. Stevens D 'v 5/~ -194027 __ ______u I .. CONTRACT TO I -.. DIS:R_~CTS /? / Rd. 1~!!?1rpu~! fPD: . I I 40 S 3! 5 i L i H. '~2-~~~er C @P_j-' _l n~~_I_~'_ - i I SALE PRICE $58000 _u___ __u,___ .. ,__,__ I + - VALUATIONS I .....-'-.- ~ -. ,- -, - t...... .. NUMBER OF ACRES , b.J'a Year Oyster TImber I 'Unimproved I Improved TOTAL LI_ Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved Impro....m.nh I B. of E. (BllildinQ" VALUE it. --. /tJ,OO ,h7 /0,.7 9~CJ C?.s-oeJ - 1i .?I 3 9~C) ~ 3 9.00 - --- - f--- ----- -, - -,-- - I ----,- ---~- 1__- - I -- ---< ----- --- -- - - ~-- ---- 1--- - r--' - - ----- I .._-- ! i : I lOT SEC. IlLK. TWN. RGo. 10 20 3 Tract 3 of ~~~o I~Od,~-DOa~ Govt Lot 3 'loIn: I <'" r; , ~ " AI I that ptn of Govt Lt 3 10-20-3W.W.M., lying NWly of State Hiway #3, EXCEPTING therefrom a tr of land daf: Beginning at the 1/4 section corner between Sections 9 & 10, sd twnshp & rge; th E to a stake on the meander I ine on Hammersley's Inlet; th on sd meander line, in a SWly direction to the meander corner between sd Sections 9 & 10; th in a Nly direction on the Section line between sd Sections 9 & 10, to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom right-of-way for State Hiway #3 and excepting road rights-of-way. . - ~ .-- .- Y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO /",-,,3031 - /7'3? '13 -/t3303 -M?o33 -'I --5.2- 87994 KirbyP. Hickey /1"3 ;?3S:~ ".~ . ,I ,;;(....,~~,,'. e:t' "..4 . f, / L'J r /&~.....~ I ..... ~ f!t,_A A.,",' E t-k-., .?7 tf'yy/) I JJ111r{ ~'d .!./ ..,,/ 44,f~H I'h,. o,'..,,',~, d././;4. . ., jl/ -"izJ;71?'-2-< cI A ,:::;7?!'-f"-L'P'~,~" / k ,,,... (/ I,1I ,.;, '/J I _~:LJ/,f7.?3S- oM, /" /7 . d) #:,/ ::) .;.0:..-1 ~~ -..;Jr::';''>._~A _ /P-L ,,' ~/~ /' n ___...0 7() IN1f// () "- /5:7ifiil 5i!L11S() 1/ 1{ U) f~ "" 7J' . 36 C5l) "'7HfD DISTRICTS / 9 0 ~. ,,~; p;, ~: L I s p L~.;; s ~~ LlL SALE PRICE: I-- -- - p, '/40M_ /,"'/cJt:.JcJ , ~9'PJ ~ , "'" /fl'. OA n n 9J'Y" NO(. -I-- 17-- " .". "R /.3;;7 ---- ~---..----~-----' . ------------~---------------------_._-------_:.._.:::_...:;.---. " -1'76 NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oy.llr Timber Unimproved Improvlld TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B. of E. (Bulldll1gs) VALUE 22- ~ -r ~_n -fo- ~ ~-cI ' 3cJd , E, 3?,f() 3?'ftJ 1/60 YtJ "-18'6 56 c?l-f () '3-;:fo //-cv ' CZ> ~oo 51 ,'1i ,f () :::]7 Po 103S" 10 35"' t,() I03.!J- .If 1'S- 1J76'o .6.L 37.-f'<p I, tHJ a f jTr: ' /t)3c::1- d3/iS ::( t) 0 .% .)..f) (,2 ;1,7, fIJ 2rr,~ / r15fj 3 J fl.$" 1.00 /tJ3E> ;;<0-rJ 6A 1//0 1f(5'i! 2()cJ 3;266 k, - /6,ga - /6.60 / CJd:( CJ dJo~ 1::2:10 -, ~ ,~L ' .- ..- ,.;z.4'c; /5:?J...t; 1ft /b,S" /(",3& - ..~ ~ -e;. ~'/5 ~ , l/fI..tC: h "Yg ~ / J?s" , ' , 19 ~% S?ti 3:7~ ~ Pj'3cJ 43cJ '1/1 , ./. ..A-J PbO 1J6tJ LOT- BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. 10 -.yo- 20 3 Govt Lot J.* y'-:-- ,1. ./ ..... ~~7 J:;::I'- _'"t} "~"" 'l,.t<-.. ,. ~ ~.~~ ~ """ *Ex. part platted (Cedar Grove)/~~ Ex. ",,<. I I I I I I ! I I I I I I . _ _ _'.":: _,_.-- _ _;-_ _ _ __~:"~- __ _ __________ __ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _._ - --- -_ _ __'_~_ h'_ _ _ _n ~- - - - ~: - - - - 0 - ~:.-:.. -- -- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., ayah, Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved I,mprovtlments B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~ /,73 /,}3 -RLo /,;< / 0 U "'fO{J() Ii 0 00 n '7s-00 '7500 , - . I lOT BLK. ~~D~eQ! I- I" )'( ~ no J 1lEC. TWN. RGE.