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y.., File No. f 1: J. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I'l/ SALE PRICE Rd. 8ch. Iport PUD FPD " J7/ ~/ - - ~ 7;//)J:3 West Coast Oyster Co. In . 1 ll,QE s l L Jj _11. ~? - ~ r, '/I d i..<iJlw/ ((J,,41Il') / .s d.. s.. L e .8;777 .fL?~, -rftAA' 7, ' / y 1 0 _fl /7f2'f1 ';"~ "0'/ ,"", ;;, _ c 'I~ . -- ;- - - - t; /1_", .:.~ ,- / 1 / "7 ,/Y. fJ/....";..#/J ~,z:?o --1. J, ,LJi;;ft ~, ~ II I-- ""7.;>.99? l?87!t.Q. rn (! "'[,,[;; - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - ,---- ..."...,.-----------------:-- - --';"-- ---------- ------ ----- - _.:.- -------- -- - - - - .:_--'::,; --- .---- . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Tfmbor Unlmcroved lmprov~ TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenu B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE 53 /d:1 {/ /'0 CI :;(0 -2.0 .fd ;<,00 ~QQ #0 1-0 "' ~ 5,0 s-3 2&. ~_ /'4t!J /f!:Jo Ijd /~'" '" &~t1, ~&~ ?" il- l; ,)Vc) ::<'6," 1i.. ~1 /) () ,.;2 0 CJ ,;zo 0 12.. .!1,O(} ,;{,a 0 ,;;fOcJ .;j'tJ 0 LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. ROE. ~/J~ ,l() ?() 1 T~" ?1 I .?1S F 7'.. ~ >/ Tax 214: Beginning at a point which bears S 84005' E 10.86 chains from meander corner to fractional secs 3 & 10; thence N 39028' E ~.57 chains; thence S 16034' E 2.47 chains; thence S 39028' W 4.19 chains; thence N 50032' W 2.05 chains to point of beginning. 1 acre. Tax 215:- Beg at a point wbich bears S 78056' E 12.61 chs from meander corner to fractional secs 3 & 10; th N 39028' E 4.19 cbs; th S 16034' E 4.19 chs; tb S 54008' W 1.92 chs; th N 50032' W 2.98 chs to I.P. 1 acre. -.' r_~ " ..... .-- .. .' - -~.~ -~- -,-' - .- -.- -- -, - '-" ~:::, Wltf; J',;)O-~ ~v.:lS,- "c.. - :;>". .3 "7.>J<!d.;: ~ /, , , ~ z.,,? ~~ ",;' I~ -'~s