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Vear Fila No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DlSmlCTS /30 SALE PRICS Rd. Soh. Port PUDIFPD 52 113902 Simpson Logging Co. 1 09 S 13~ IL \ m iA ~)~ Ida?) - &- 1179 1<:; ~ :s- .b. k:i %, :3 ::r j;.1 (a il-/iJ 'I - - - - - I-- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - .". .......,-,.~ "' .'~. , .... --" '.", ..._,.. __ __~ " _______""'__.--=-=~__-__=__=-___________ .._....~_..__...._._---__-...____...--____.... ...------- ..-____~ 1'=___ ~~~....",... ..... . ...... ,...... ~,........,. .. ...... ,,- ... . ......., ~... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS S.P.k:,- Ya., ()ylter Timber U"lmprovtd Improved TOTAL ()yater TImber UnimprOVed Improved I Improvements B.ofE. - (Buildings) . VALUE 56 215.4 ~ 215.48 280 280 f4. -- 1/ f"o 4't'O Z:2... /?..;( rJ .!/7'-'~ 2i REFOR ST -1t(tJ I;- 11<" 1./8' ',M:>% $#~ jtlf'6 9'5' ";,-: O."ll ,J. It:, 'Ie' ;'i!;,'1& piASstR fD /~ 7~::- /t...7!.?" , ~ - ~ - LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. aAS61f'IiD 0Jt8stf7m (200 A/ICtJS . cres) in S.~ '7, '1,' '] 9'j? . 9 20 '3 '. 241.98 Acre s .'. ,~~ EX. TRS 1-4 inc. HY. R. R. R/w ".-- .:..;:--:-