HomeMy WebLinkAbout320082000000 Y~tlr File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS /3tJ SALE PRICE ~' ~~/~t ~ ~~ S~p ~L jLL=L.=~35-:0~~3?~ / .L (' . S-5....LfL_ C/<:nn /5t)() , ~ lanche B. Bell ..A !XJMJ-" , -6s-J;?-.6 0:" _ J a/Jyn./ ~ /!J / 7.1 1,:(777// D-ESlG.NA:r-ED .- --~ I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS /~,8'c Year OY$ur Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvementt I B.ef E. (Buildings) VALUE 53 L./-cJ, () f) 40 ~ .:2.C!c/ ;2..o~J 5.7 360 300 S%.. S/J, 00 . 10,00 !t,!717 000 ~ 6'0.60 :fO,OD 4L/o ~ ~h I;< ~- 5~~ 540 .1t> ' . k- % >~d 3i~ / / tJa 1/ kM f!',tfo _-;~t:/c 2;, ~ ~~~~~ . I j DO - 't,,, OESl(lNA- "ED 31,.{J/) _ 0:- :z3 p~< ./63..0 ,;25/7-1 7J- ' Lt[d % - YI/o 4///0 - -~ It).~ ~~ !!its{(} '10'/0 /. . ,- 7~ '15(,5 V '/S65 IL ..5.5 to 56t,o 1J - - 5790 . 579 () ______=____.~____________________________~~_~=~____________________L :.____ ~". LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. t...~\:i{')\o'~: .1.01~O~ 1 DESIGNATED Wo; NW ~ ,. . ' ?O '3 > - -..' , ,y'" A.F.#436538 Bndry ln agr ( That ptn of Section 7-20-3 W,W.M." ~ Ma~Qn Co. Wa, descr as folloW~; BEGINNING at the NE corEer of Secti6n 7-20-3 W,W.M" in Mason Co. Wa; ,tf" S 01014'48" W along its Eline 86.27'; th N 88045'12" W 37.66'; th N 33021'50" E 70.80' + - to the POB, The land descr in Exhibit A hereto shall become a permanent part of & appurtenant to the land being herein descr & together shall not be further sid without the prior written permission of the Director of General Services of Mason County. EXliIBIT "A" The W2 NW 8-20-3 W,W.M., in Mason County, Wa. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following descr tr of land: BEGINNING at the NW corner of sd Section 8; th S 1014'48" W along it's W line, 86.27' to the TPOB; th S 88045'12" E, 169,84'; th S 37027'4C" W 287.70' to sd W line of Section 8; th N 1014'48" E, 232.22' to the TPOB. ~.' or - ~# <. ,> -.'.:- - ~ . ~ NUMBER OF ACRES. I I LLLJ IIU .::.-:.. - VALUATIONS .' YeClT! Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improvld lmprovemllnts 8. of E. (Buildingl) VALUE 11 ~~.... ~NA _Jli.''';,,,:.PV PO.OO S...3~ . .536~ I~U rC 576'5 S7J>_C) '6/ fa. ao '60, (JO .j-g;;<o 58,;l,o f,t, DES FOREST t~ou t. ~o 0 S?~ - , ftJ ~ 0 ,f' d. ~ d b g7S"' to n.s- it/ e-- [0,00 fro .00 - oM-Zf;') r:>9c,o 09&0 gc ~ f7 'i', d d ?~ 1/9 "(} 0900 b 90{) - I -- 1-. . -- - 1-. , - - - , - . I ;;u:' Co tj Yellr Fll. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / ..3 0 Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPO SALE PRICS Vialtel' A. Birchler I!<: ----- ~ 141978 Kenneth Bishop (see !hack) 1,~ S L_L S P ~ /St{.3Yb,<7 ,1 Ji.-hI,-; o,t- ~/ r7'L b"~., L~ .:L.3---4- ..:I2 (f' l?> /7 ;' J./ ~ -I- ~.513 .2.. L IL ,.5f_pfi?tf1 ~ ,tJ >' P ~ ~ 'I' I >>- i:! C 335"'3 I '111 (L,h 'rYi ' ";:/-.!.? jJ B. . D ~1l;'bti/gS' ~ 6 1.; ,g g.d.,;,O'I/IT.... 16"1 ;9o:J3:J.{ BeW 84.J3 l-t ~";,LC sp.<L..'2-- 1IS~d,t!) f. -# /3S7F I H"2JtJJ V. G<679q .....1/6' do~ / ----- (<a(21~7..(2QL 1/;:.mt1 a [j, 7"'] lQ --- ~~7.J:?0r5f1l>L,(}'iJ .JL .'/1 I' I"~ J1 ~_~lj?t/5 iJ I.'L,,, A,l7hMo 1+:= oilAef --- $f'</:')~r> *~_'it h ~d~~.~f~~:~~___~~____:______~__________________=~.~~__ It:-1t;,b'NS #;)bf?cO NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 4.,?,(2) Year Oyater Tlmbor Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Butldinga) VALUE -- S3 4-t!) L/-cJ ~CJd ~d - .6Z /jO,{J(} L/tJ,OtJ _0.<J C2.... G<JCJ - SJ.-I -YO, 0 tJ 1/0.tJo 1300 300 ,. 0']1 . J./.O.o 0 I/O. 0 0 O\~o I, ..cB5!.. 0 - j;-~ .");2() I S,,;J to hi :;. ~ 6.5tL ... ~5:a - 70 . . .-. ' dd.; tfLJ .. ~tJ .::'0 -'5 ~,% _(5~ ,h... c:;'o_ - 7/ ,:2;J ,f) 0. 2C'. tit? - b{JcJO ..h. CJ L1 () 7~ --- e.e...~ I ~SiJ() Sf7s- - 7.3 ~,;(::['fl.c2 ls707S 711- w&- - ,lLtJt7O IlotJo ~ (';J.Jlli~v 84.33 ~tJ.M eX (J on ......LL/.6:J I Ljoo RC'. ..:&. /siQ. / s 96 77 ....LU " f ?f 90 1f /7f.:,() /761J LO.T BLK. SEc-~-.:t:1,N:.. .<, .... "".1 t-_____ ." ,/ -l~.2ldQ11?:J~V~Q~\ '01 .J..;~ RGE. "'" 20 '3 t';~H' :NW -......~. ~.\' ' -~ ~/;" ,...""~ --. ...-~~ DBA-Canadian American .' Christmas Tree Co #I.({)9Yi'r /u' ,~. -ff>1 ') ~F t.... , /.M....._~ 6_~_'-.\ . ~ Ro;/z- 1-.p. a"'v-;.'r-4-l~d~ .-aid: t;JJ~ j, '~~9, ~ t:' C/ /?z.J / / cr ~- -- -:::r-FII. No r--'-'-'-'-----NAME of OWNER . I CONtRACT TO Rd. I~I.~~ ;~:~~~~S: I ~ 0 I 18C ~~t6~3 . . Trbcey B.Armstro g ! i : ~~: J:~~lt=MIChael E. Gasglll et UX(ROS~~L&ilndT; :09 S 3 LjL r ~ !l1212fL 1;,A/'t,d.~";:/;;{;~4da.f_-. "" ,. I ___. _____ ____0.3~ ([, ~_ ! SALE PRICE #68263 f?J'Hl<i b r """ ---. + --- --,- - ~' -.' ~UMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS eu, Ye~' I Oyster TImber I Unimproved ! Improved TOTAL L Order Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements S.QIE. (Buildin9') VALUE .1J- (,P. L ,..Q. :/.0, 0 () ,;10. () 0 /S'?O /.f'oO '--r/"1 ro'F~' 8,1;. tft1! 11~ .0 //. /J ()/l /L t?f'1r! , .M ~li'OO ;;1.6,00 ",f>OOn ":?.c;-l'1on iN ~o,oo .;rOrOO 35'000 ..i3Sooo --- - -- --- - ---- --,- -. I -- I- -- --- -- ---- -- - - . --.- 1----- - --- ---- - --- , -.---- -- I I I ! , b"ft) ---"""'--~. --e"- --~-.' .e:!J: U~~) .f d~.,...,,~ r r' flC:L-~ <t-(}.,_tL,,'d-