HomeMy WebLinkAbout320071190010 y..ar - AI. No. -r--- NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.31 SALE PRice Rd. Sch. I.!?rt PUD I fPD I I -~- - 69 2,~~ iFrances Talcott I 30' s 3 11 L Hi #21646 4/72 .35.:\ 7L. "incent Himlie et al -=# *3132~- 26969 7j~ M;"Judd :!6 l1!jSII __'ldDI lOin 39~131 lJl~-- ~'P -,Y-ec-Q ::tf 7~ ~7t/1.p - SF'/- (-',.." f)tn ~2 Gtt?de~ __ d/,t7f) I" ~ {luA. _ ,,-Ii, 1& lL Il ./~}'. ,ws<:; .~^ ., -" ....... I UJ(( ) -', - 1-- -::-~ .--~ 4) NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved lmprovem.nh B. of E. (Building1) VALUE 75 5.11 5.11 IbOO /f6oo eJ N7bO 1'/7bo 6/ "'''''-<- I,I? /.17 ~oc}_-5 -'/095" Q (QOq<; ,)~ ~()7) C. R ,,~,q r:;- II/ 1./7 1,/ 7 13000 ~~t../oo 39'100 -- ----- - -- -- -- \ --- -- ) - ( ( I \ - LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RilE. ~a/)\'7. /, / _4~()'o,1 Q1 Tract I of NE NE 111tJ'l-rI 7 20 3 The N 622.10', as measured along the W I ine of the NE NE, 7-20-3 W,W.M., EXCEPTING therefrom the W 770.88', as measured along the N I ine of sd NE NE, ALSO EXCEPTING that ptn lying E of Johns Prairie Rd. A.F.# 396731 (Now Tract A of Short Plat #1106) \ That ptn of the NE NE 7-20-3W.W.M., def: Beginning at a point on the N I ine of sd Section 7, S 860 54' 13" E 770.88' from the NW corner of sd NE NE; th S 860 54' 13" E 325.82'; th S 030 05' 47" W 59.52'; th SWly on a curve to the right having a radius of 70' through a central angle of 40000' 00" and alg an arc length of 48.87'; th S 430 05' 47" W 104.52'; th N 520 54' 13" W 111.47'; th S 560 59' 14" W 174.02' +- tap which Is S 000 44' 19" W from POB; th N 000 44' 19" E 225' +- to sd POB; EXCEPT I NG therefrom the. N 20' for Batstone Cut-'cSff Co. Rd. " ----e- .~-_. , -- ~ ~ .~. ~ - -~ .- ..~~ ,~ _ .r._~'~;' . .. ~ 'I) p - ~.. ~ 1" E4 "-= ;L'ifz-I2- 'j/ e/~s" :z 'if 2-/2 9;/ +I ;, '1~ - 3 I ET r;L Ii hmL/~ ~ 711 /'Jcl'/-E /f y,;. JOfINSorJ ~'~ .:J ^'- ..y,-_ GER/1cLD -r-,tl.r- .:,I '079." '<I 'fur I AI. No. -'r--------- . I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1.3'0 S.6.LE PRICE Rd. ~1!l)rt PUl1.!fPD I I 69 249339 ~rances Talcott 1 30' s 3 11 L HI #21646 .- 4L'lZ.. ~.9..698 1--- "incent Himlie et ~ #31325 ~ jJ.!Jt?-!f ~f!~ , ~ 7lA/7S9, ~L:c c 1/13 Jr~9~1 ,7L.. .1/,7/".__ t1:A, A..j,J... J, " t, 3(zg, ~N-1ti. &~ II ~J - 1-' -- ~ . ~:UMBE~OFACRES I I VALUATIONS ~'. Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvem'nh B. of E. (Building,) VALUE 75 5.01 5.01 i/~I () 415/0 R I 1753e:- 17S" 3S- ~Z "..., _. ,~") C'- " J .-/ ~" 14-N'e:tJ .5 / p;:- /1/ ~ - w,r# I/. ? ._-- f-_. KE! ~/.lC:.::!).'- A~ ,4A '.E ...5r A''' " - - , - \ ---. , )-- I , ( - lOT S~C. BlK. TWN. RGE. 1 I ; ~' -, : t 7 20 3 Tract 2 of NE NE /1 lotj. 1:5 " ) The E 350.40' of the W 770.88' as measured along the N line of the N 622.10' as measured aloJtgthe W line of the NE NE 7-20-3, EXCEPr public road, if any. .. --. ~-- - --"-- - - -_. -~~~ -~~_. L~~ ..L... --' ~ OJi J'~ <f "" A..... ?--" l.-/~ '1<,/